👩🎓 Winter School in Liège draws to a close 💧 All week long, around thirty students from the Université de Lorraine, Université du Luxembourg & the Faculté des Sciences Appliquées - ULiège have been learning more about hydrogen, from its production to its industrial uses, through contributions from experts, practical work and visits to remarkable sites. 💚 Special thanks to : - our partner organisations CRM Group, BEBLUE Cryotech SA and John Cockerill for opening their doors to us - Roland Schulze of the European Investment Bank for their contributions - all the professors from the partner universities & Technifutur - the trinational organising team, starting with Pierre Dewallef and Dimitra Papadimitriou 🇧🇪 Interreg North-West Europe (NWE) Interreg Europe du Nord-Ouest - Points de contact FR Nationale Kontaktstelle - Interreg NWE Heathcliff DEMAIE IUT Henri Poincaré de Longwy (Université de Lorraine) Dr. Natascha K. Branca Delmonte Mohammed El Ganaoui