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Intrinsic Schools

Intrinsic Schools

Higher Education

Chicago, Illinois 4,433 followers

Two exceptional public schools open to all Chicago students. Strong academics + a positive, inclusive culture. Join us!

Life at Intrinsic Schools

The POD Method

We personalize instruction and encourage independence using “PODs.” PODs are our classrooms, but they are flexible and look different: Each POD has three team teachers and upwards of 60 students, who rotate between teacher-led instruction, independent and small-group work, and project-based learning – all based on the individual needs of each student.

Choice Day (C-Day)

To practice self-direction and ownership of their own learning, students follow schedules that they design around their own interests, goals and academic needs, Choice Day (C Day) happens one full day per week. Students choose academic options such as study groups, peer tutoring, office hours – and participate in enrichment activities based on individual interests – coding, dance, culinary arts or others.

Postsecondary Education

Intrinsic students learn to identify their interests, and how to link those interests with an individualized postsecondary pathway. Over time, students develop a deep sense of who they are and their emerging life’s purpose, and learn to tie today’s decisions with their postsecondary aspirations, academic planning, and short- and long-term goals. Starting in Spring 2023, Intrinsic started to disburse $1.5 million per year in renewable scholarship dollars.

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