JSTOR reposted this
Thanks to Brittany LaMarr, the Cheshire team had access to JSTOR to prepare for this debate against Binghamton University. It took a village - Daniel Throop's vision for National Prison Debate League, the IT team at Connecticut Department of Corrections, Tess Wheelwright and The Wesleyan Center for Prison Education, and, of course, funding provided by Ascendium's Education Philanthropy to pay for the laptops and events. Public events like this, connecting people inside with people outside are important. Even if you aren't a debate-oriented person, register for this and spend time in community with interesting people, and leave room to be amazed. If you can't catch it live, register so you can catch the recording at your leisure. It will be time well spent! Link in post below. :-) #prisoneducation #prison #debate
TRUE Unit Debate Team from Cheshire Correctional Institution will debate Binghamton University on 1/29 at 5:30pm. Resolved: The United States should abolish cash bail. To tune in, register below. https://lnkd.in/eSqZf_QZ Tess WheelwrightNational Prison Debate LeagueFulton Debating Society of Boston CollegeYale Prison Education Initiative at Dwight Hall