Today, our very own Janina Hippler-Nettlau took the stage at the Repower World Summit 2025 in Katowice, joining a crucial discussion on how Long-Duration Energy Storage #LDES enhances flexibility for both renewable and fossil power plants—and its pivotal role in transitioning coal-based systems to low-emission generation sources. The shift from coal to clean energy solutions is a pressing global challenge, requiring strategic approaches to maintain energy reliability while decarbonizing existing infrastructure. At Malta Inc., we’re proud to be part of this conversation, driving solutions that support grid stability, operational flexibility, repurpose existing infrastructure, and preserve skilled labor—ensuring long-term economic, environmental, and social sustainability. #EnergyStorage #Repowering #Decarbonization #EnergyTransition #WomenInBatteries
⚡ Repower World Summit 2025 trwa! ⚡ Panel pt. „Od węgla do OZE” zainaugurowała referatem wprowadzającym Janina Hippler-Nettlau (Malta Inc). Wśród szacownych panelistów znaleźli się także: Bogi Højgaard CFA, Dyrektor, The Carbon Trust, Aleksander Sobolewski, Dyrektor, Instytut Technologii Paliw i Energii, Wiktor Rybicki, Założyciel Olana Energy Poland (Olana Energy), Kamil Zawicki, Lider Praktyki Energy & Natural Resources, KKG Legal (Kubas Kos Gałkowski). Moderatorką panelu była Bryony Worthington (Quantified Carbon). Politechnika Śląska