Midland Area Wellbeing Coalition

Midland Area Wellbeing Coalition

Professional Training and Coaching

Midland, MI 600 followers

Helping further Midland community’s vision: Together. Forward. Bold. An exceptional community where everyone thrives.

About us

The Midland Area Wellbeing Coalition is comprised of over 120 members of the Midland community who are working to help the Midland community achieve its vision: Together. Forward. Bold. An exceptional place where everyone thrives. The Coalition’s specific vision is that Midland is a healthy community where everyone belongs, feels safe, and thrives. Midland Area Wellbeing Coalition’s work is based on the science of positive psychology. Positive psychology is the scientific study of human flourishing. Positive psychology is operationalized through six key components of wellbeing which include: positive emotion, engagement, relationships, meaning, accomplishment, and health. The Midland Area Wellbeing Coalition works to measure, monitor, and care for wellbeing through a systems lens by increasing wellbeing capability, confidence, and impact at multiple levels -the me, we, and us levels-- simultaneously. The coalition uses sound science and evidenced-based approaches to help individuals, teams, families, and organizations learn a wellbeing language that changes conversations and builds a skills toolbox which changes behaviors. The coalition's theory of change is when social-emotional leaders learn wellbeing science, their lives improve. When their lives improve, then the lives of the people on their work teams, in their families and community improve too.

Professional Training and Coaching
Company size
1 employee
Midland, MI
wellbeing, community, positive psychology, PERMAH, appreciative inquiry, facilitating, keynote presentations, organizations, individual wellbeing, workshops, and resilience


Employees at Midland Area Wellbeing Coalition


  • Hi, I'm Heidi McIvor-Allen, I am the owner of a full-service digital marketing agency with a mission to promote Mental Health & Wellbeing in the Workplace and also a member of the Midland Area Wellbeing Coalition. A new quote that I just came across really inspires me is "I say "OUT" to every negative thought that comes to my mind. No person, place, or thing has any power over me, for I am the only thinker in my mind. I create my own reality and everyone in it.", said by Louise Hay. The reason I find this quote so impactful is that we live in a day & age where we all have so much on our plates at all times, and if you're like me, you want to be great at all things. This quote supports my wellbeing as a reminder to push the negative thoughts out of your mind. Thinking of negative thoughts as clouds and if they aren't helpful, let them pass by. When we focus on the good, the good will continue to get better! Don't let negative thoughts control you. So, go back and read my quote and I want to challenge you to test this out for the next week. Can you say "OUT" every time a negative thought comes into your mind? This has been brought to you by the Midland Area Wellbeing Coalition's Quotes to Live By Series. 💚🧡 #quotetoliveby #midlandareawellbeing #wellbeing #mawc

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  • Hi, I’m Kathy Snyder, the director of the Midland Area Wellbeing Coalition. Today, I want to share a Life Hack #51 Honoring Your Attention Span. Studies show that we can pay attention to something for about 20 minutes before our minds start to wander. There are times when I feel my attention span is less than that. So, I honor my attention span by setting a timer. I'll work for 20 minutes, and if I'm feeling scattered, maybe just 10 minutes. When the timer goes off, I get up, get a drink of water, move around, and then get back to work. This Life Hack helps me stay productive, focused, and honor where my attention span is during any given part of the day. I also notice I can focus better in the morning or late at night, but during the day, especially after lunch or between back-to-back meetings, my focus time is shorter, so I adjust my timer to accommodate. It prevents me from feeling frustrated, and I get more done. For anyone trying this Life Hack, my advice is to set an intention to be aware of your attention span throughout your day. To help you with this you can leave a note by your computer to remind yourself to take breaks or use a timer to see what works best for you. It might take time to figure out your attention span, and it can depend on what you’re working on. If you're passionate about something, you might stay engaged longer, but for tedious tasks, a timer can help you focus and get them done without feeling overwhelmed. Play around with it and see what works for you. Some days, you might focus for 10 minutes, other days for 20. Just be aware and adjust as needed. For tasks like reading a book, set a timer for 10 minutes and see if you can focus. You might find you can stretch that time as you practice. https://lnkd.in/g4kBY_AW 💚🧡 #lifehackinaction #wellbeinginmidland #midlandareawellbeing #midlandareawellbeingcoalition #wellbeing #MAWC

    Life Hack in Action: Honor Your Attention Span with Kathy Snyder


  • I think of this quote often. When those daily barriers present themselves or especially when life delivers a real punch to the gut. When all seems lost and your mind become paralyzed. When it seems the only possible solution is to give up. That’s when I think of this quote. Because, despite these challenges, tomorrow always comes. A barrier, or as the translation puts it, an impediment, sometimes must become the way forward. Challenges in life, large or small, are inevitable. Simply hoping they won’t occur is folly. But in addition to being a daily reality, challenges can also bring about great opportunity. Revisiting this quote has helped me train my mind to expect and, more importantly, accept life’s many challenges. Perhaps at times even to relish them. -Patrick 🧡💚 #quotestoliveby #midlandareawellbeingcoalition #midlandareawellbeing #midlandmi #wellbeing #wellbeinginmidland

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  • Hi, I'm Kevin Heye, the Executive Director at the Midland Child Advocacy Center formally Safe and Sound. A life hack that I've found invaluable, both in my professional and personal life, is Life Hack #41, Meeting People in Their Space. At work, whether I’m talking with staff, colleagues, or community members, I make it a point to pause, set aside distractions, and really listen to the person in front of me. I’ve found that taking this time to truly engage in the conversation strengthens relationships and fosters a supportive and collaborative environment. It’s about starting with grace—approaching every interaction with an open mind, free of preconceived notions, and focusing on the other person’s needs. In my personal life, I apply the same principle with my family. When my kids or my wife want to talk, I try to stop whatever I’m doing and give them my full attention. It’s important to me that they know they’re a priority and that I’m genuinely interested in what they say. Sometimes, just being there to listen is all they need to feel supported. This approach also helps in understanding that not every situation requires an immediate solution. As someone who often feels the urge to jump in and fix things, I’ve learned that sometimes people simply need someone to listen to feel that their concerns are being acknowledged. I keep a stone on my desk that says “breathe” as a reminder to slow down and be present in these moments. The one thing that can help with trying this Life Hack on is pausing in your conversations with others, take a breathe and seeing how you can best meet people where they are at. It’s a practice that helps me be a better leader, a more attentive husband and father, and a more compassionate community member. https://lnkd.in/gG6MPGJy 💚🧡 #lifehack #midlandareawellbeing #midlandareawellbeingcoalition #wellbeinginmidland #Wellbeing #MAWC

    Life Hack In Action #41 Meeting People in Their Space with Kevin Heye


  • Happy Labor Day from the Midland Area Wellbeing Coalition! As we take a well deserved break to honor the hard work and dedication of all laborers, we want to remind you to stay safe and healthy. This holiday is not just about enjoying the fruits of our labor, but also about recharging our batteries and spending quality time with loved ones. Whether you're grilling in the backyard or relaxing at the park, remember to take care of yourself and those around you. Let's labor less and celebrate more because you deserve it! Enjoy this special day, and lets keep the spirit of wellbeing alive in our community! 💚🧡 #happylaborday #midlandareawellbeingcoalition #wellbeinginmidland #midlandareawellbeing #mawc #wellbeing

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  • Hi, I'm Jennifer Grace, Executive Director of the Arnold Center and a proud member of the Midland Area Wellbeing Coalition. A quote that deeply resonates with me is from Khalil Gibran: "The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the greatest intention." This quote is a powerful reminder that kindness doesn't need to be a grand gesture or an elaborate plan. True kindness lies in the simple, everyday actions we take to uplift others, often without even realizing it. So, let's remember that being kind is as simple as being aware of another's needs and doing something, however small, to make their day a little brighter. This message is brought to you by the Midland Area Wellbeing Coalition's Quotes to Live By Series. Kind regards, Jennifer 🧡💚 #quotestoliveby #midlandareawellbeingcoalition #midlandareawellbeing #midlandmi #wellbeing #wellbeinginmidland

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  • Hi, I’m Bekka Seer, a school social worker for Meridian Public Schools and a member of the Midland Area Wellbeing Coalition. Today, I want to share Life Hack #5, Turn and Face. I use this life hack both at work and at home. Professionally, it helps me build strong relationships with my high school students by giving them my full attention, even if it’s just stopping in the hall to say good morning. This small act of turning towards them and acknowledging their presence really strengthens our connection and enhances the culture of our school. In my office, if a student comes in while I’m busy, I make a point to turn, face them, and let them know I’ll be with them shortly. This helps them feel seen and reassured, which is crucial, especially for high schoolers. At home, with two kids under three, I use this life hack when I’m in the middle of something, I tell them what I’m doing and that I’ll play with them once I’m finished. This way, they feel heard and often don’t feel the need to keep asking for my attention. It makes me feel like a more attentive mom, and it sets clear expectations for them. I’ve learned that it’s also important to give myself grace when using this life hack. It’s okay to protect my time at work and at home. Balancing tasks and attention helps me support both my students and my children while also taking care of my responsibilities. If you’re trying this life hack for the first time, start with someone who can understand the reasoning behind it, like a coworker or an adult. It can also help you to notice how it feels when others use this life hack in conversation with you. Noticing how others are already using this life hack can give you some good ideas to how to bring it into your work life, your home life, or anywhere. https://lnkd.in/g-CcPC7f 🧡💚 #lifehackinaction #wellbeinginmidland #midlandareawellbeing #midlandareawellbeingcoalition #wellbeing

  • Hi, my name is Michelle Bahr, and I am a retired volunteer and member of the Midland Area Wellbeing Coalition. A quote that I love is: And if, when it is all over, I'm asked what I did with my life, I want to be able to say "I offered love." by Terri St. Cloud. The reason I find this quote so powerful is that the legacy you leave should be about the relationships you had, the people you love, and the difference you hopefully made in your tie on earth. We all make daily mistakes, hurt other's feelings, have regrets -- but at the end of your life, all that matters is that you have loved and were loved. This supports my wellbeing by constantly remembering to show and express your love. So, think about how you can show love daily, in big and small ways every day. This has been brought to you by the Midland Area Wellbeing Coalition's Quotes to Live By Series. Sending love --- Michelle Bahr 🧡💚 #quotetoliveby #midlandareawellbeingcoalition #midlandareawellbeing #wellbeing #mawc #wellbeinginmidland

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  • Hi, I’m Teresa Oliver, a continuing medical education specialist with MyMichigan Health. I am also a Midland Area Wellbeing Coalition member and a workplace wellbeing ambassador. I am excited to share Life Hack # 66: Creating a Bedtime Routine. We started this bedtime routine at the beginning of the year. It involves turning off all electronics one hour before bedtime. As a family, we each find a book to read that sparks our interest. This helps us wind down, take our minds off the stressors of the day, and prepare for a quality night's sleep by immersing ourselves in something enjoyable and relaxing. Good quality sleep is crucial for overall wellbeing, both mentally, physically, and emotionally. Since implementing this practice, we've seen improved sleep quality, better emotional regulation, and improved physical health. Quality sleep is as important as diet and exercise. It helps me improve my work performance, making me more focused and efficient throughout the day. Sleep has a huge impact, both professionally and personally. For anyone trying to create a bedtime routine, find something that works for you and your family. It could be having each person share about their day, journaling, or reading a book. The activity can vary—one person might read while another journals or does puzzles. Consistency is key. Going to bed at the same time and in the same way trains our bodies that sleep is on the way. Establishing a routine takes time. For us, it took about two solid weeks before it started to stick. By the third week, it felt natural. Now, six months later, it’s a regular part of our lives. Despite some initial resistance, we've found it to be well worth the effort. https://lnkd.in/gvb_6ms2 🧡💚 #lifehackinaction #midlandareawellbeingcoalition #midlandareawellbeing #midlandmi #wellbeing #wellbeinginmidland #mawc

    Life Hack In Action: Create bedtime Routine with Teresa Oliver


  • Hi, my name is Marilyn Jensen and I am a Life Coach/Death Doula and member of the Midland Area Wellbeing Coalition. A quote that inspires me is "Memento mori - Memento vivere" (Remember that you will die, so remember to live), a Stoic quote possibly attributed to Marcus Aurelius. The reason I find this quote so inspiring is that it reminds me that life is finite. We tend to forget that we are only on this wonderful planet for a short time and we take life for granted. We always think there is time. This quote supports my wellbeing by reminding me to live life to the fullest and to live in the moment. Yesterday is gone.....and tomorrow Is not guaranteed. Focus on today! So, how are you focusing on the moment? Are you enjoying life or just checking off the boxes? Living in the present or always thinking about what is coming next? This has been brought to you by the Midland Area Wellbeing Coalition's Quotes to Live By Series. Live life to the fullest! 💚🧡 #quotestoliveby #midlandareawellbeing #midlandareawellbeingcoalition #wellbeing #MAWC

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