Leading The Way (LTW) initiatives represent the research arm of Next Frontier Inclusion. Through LTW, NFI publishes monographs on topics of current interest or challenge areas in inclusive international school practices. One important objective of NFI is to provide ongoing professional resources for schools on their journey towards inclusion. These monographs support schools in reflecting on practices and making steps forward to support all learners. NFI recently partnered with ISLES Collaborative to collaborate on our next monograph. As this LTW initiative focuses on leadership for inclusive education, our research team is representative of leadership roles across the school from school-wide leadership to divisional principals and leaders of student support. We gathered at International School of Beijing to begin the work, and unpack the polarities that exist in leadership for inclusion. The group will continue to collaborate in the weeks and months to come to write, edit, and publish this next monograph. Special thanks to our team: Cindy Warner-Dobrowski, Dan Todd, Dr. Dustin Collins. Julian Edwards, Kimberley Fung, Kristen Pelletier, Nigel Holdsworth (he), Stephanie Hepner, Tamara Redmond