The #PlacemakingAustria network is off to a strong start after a packed week of workshops, talks and tours, and a spirited kick-off event! Thanks to Cornelia Dlabaja, Roland Krebs, Jan Gartner, Theresa König, Judith M. Lehner, Lena Diete, Ariela de Oliveira , Florian Lorenz, Amna Azeem, Vivian Monteiro Malta, Johannes Lutter and please help tag the many others that we missed and those in Austria that might be interested. Great also to collaborate international placemaking and tourism experts brought together by Cornelia: Donagh Horgan, Alexandra Paio, Giovanna Marconi, Cristina Catalanotti and Daniela Wagner as we diccussed “#Placemaking in the interplay of #UrbanDevelopment and #Tourism” in the context of #Overtourism in Vienna, Venice and Lisbon. And of course thanks Placemaking Europe for the collaboration and the steady leadership in connecting, convening and supporting #placemakers across Europe. #PlacemakingEurope #PlacemakingX #PublicSpace