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STRADA women in manufacturing

STRADA women in manufacturing


Empowering Women in Manufacturing

About us

Entities with women in leadership positions are more effective, more productive and fairer, for their organisations and society. Manufacturing businesses however suffer from a severe gender gap, partly due to manufacturing having a negative image and STEM careers being primarily embraced by men. Women in Manufacturing is a leadership programme designed, piloted and rolled-out in 7 European countries (Spain, Italy, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Estonia, Lithuania and Ireland) targeted to female MSc and PhD students in engineering and women employed in manufacturing. The leadership programme combines mentorship with training on innovation, entrepreneurship, digitisation, management. The programme includes networking opportunities and career development coaching. Women in Manufacturing partners represent a panel of the manufacturing ecosystem: Research Performing Organisations, SMEs and MNCs, Academia, bringing experience in leadership and innovation programmes and access to the target audience.

Company size
2-10 employees

Employees at STRADA women in manufacturing


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