We're excited to announce a partnership with Flex for better health (and your wallet!) #Tempo #Felx #HSA #FSA #FitnessTech #Partnership
🚀 We’re excited to announce our partnership with Tempo, the AI-powered personal training program that uses 3D sensors and A.I. to provide real-time feedback and personalized workouts. With Tempo, everyone has the power to realize their strength and lead a healthy, full life. 💪 By integrating Flex, Tempo reduced friction in their sales funnel and saw an encouraging improvement in conversion rates. Offering HSA/FSA payments not only provided more flexibility but also expanded the accessibility of their fitness programs to more customers. Thank you, Tempo and Raechelle Hoki, for making personalized fitness more accessible. 🔗 Click the link in the comments to read the full story. #Flex #Tempo #HSA #FSA #FitnessTech #Partnership