The People's Dreaming Collective’s cover photo
The People's Dreaming Collective

The People's Dreaming Collective

Government Administration

A dynamic constellation of radical public sector leaders dreaming up more just and loving models for local democracy.

About us

Government Administration
Company size
2-10 employees

Employees at The People's Dreaming Collective


  • The People's Dreaming Collective reposted this

    View profile for Lulu Mickelson

    Facilitating, dreaming, reimagining how we govern

    ☀ Today is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere... ...a reminder that we live on an orbiting planet dancing in a vast cosmos. For me, the Summer Solstice invokes how small and miraculous we are in the context of spacetime. In bringing to life an emergent new project called The People's Dreaming Collective, I often reflect on what it takes to build our societal capacity for imagination. How do we strengthen our dreaming muscles to envision audacious new futures for how we govern? In unlocking my own ability to dream, one important step has been recalibrating my relationship with time. Time has always been tethered to scarcity for me. I’ve grown up in a culture obsessed with quarterly returns and the instant gratification of smartphones. Time feels squeezed, like there is too much to fit in. Time feels precious, like it moves too fast. Recently, we gathered radical public servants from across continents. A shared frustration that surfaced was tight timeframes and how they limit our current government institutions. Political pressures and short electoral cycles require us to move fast and demonstrate immediate results, even for complex challenges that have been centuries in the making. What if we zoom out in time? Read the full post via our Substack newsletter: #futurism #collectiveimagination #democracy

  • The People's Dreaming Collective reposted this

    View profile for Lulu Mickelson

    Facilitating, dreaming, reimagining how we govern

    👋🏼 Hello, beautiful network. Please join me at this year's Creative Bureaucracy Festival! I'll be leading a FREE digital workshop previewing the work of The People's Dreaming Collective – a new project I've been incubating to imagine more just and loving models for how we govern. Learn more: Taking place on March 21st at 7:30 AM Berlin Time, the interactive session invites public sector leaders to unlock their imaginal potential. ✨ Specifically, we'll explore: 🔍 How to harness discomfort, outrage, and disappointment with the bureaucratic status quo as a compass to explore better ways of governing. 🔎 How to build our capacity for revolutionary dreaming and begin to articulate audacious, irresistible visions for more joyful and caring democracies. I have the privilege of co-facilitating the workshop with the talented Noah Schöppl. 💖 Because this is a European conference, the timing may be tricky for folks in North America. If you RSVP and cannot make it, we will still send you a delicious follow-up resource! ⭐ RSVP for the session: 💫 Sign up to receive musings and invitations from The People's Dreaming Collective: I'm excited to share more on this emergent effort in the coming months!

    View organization page for Creative Bureaucracy Festival


    -- Im Kommentar gibt es die Deutsche Übersetzung -- 🛠️ During this year's Digital Kick-Off Day, we are offering 22 interactive workshops where you can learn even more! Our workshop hosts have provided links for pre-registration or direct access on the day of the event. You can find the links and further information in our programme calendar 👉 There are five timeslots throughout the day, each with several digital workshops. We now present the four workshops of timeslot 1, which runs from 07:30-09:00 CET and includes three workshops in English and one in German. 💗 Governing With Love: A How-To Guide for Radical Public Servants With: Lulu Mickelson, Noah Schöppl Join the interactive workshop by The People's Dreaming Collective to explore and co-create tools for mindfulness, embodiment, and self-awareness, empowering participants to transform government bureaucracies and envision inclusive democracy. Learn how to harness discomfort and cultivate audacious visions for a more just and joyful governance paradigm. 🩸 A Bureaucratic Murder Mystery: Exploring Rigour in Decision-Making Processes With: Asitha Bandaranayaka, Allison Edwards, Keira Lowther, Jessica Fuller, Centre for Public Impact Explore decision-making processes in bureaucracies through a murder mystery party scenario, encouraging critical thinking about evidence evaluation. It caters to those navigating complex environments, offering an engaging, participatory experience to challenge preconceptions and bridge the gap between lived experience and academic knowledge. 🔮 From Paralysis to Agency: Foresight for Long-Term Impact With: Vera Djakonoff, Jenni Kilpi, Mikael Sokero This workshop focuses on strategic foresight for governments, aiming to bridge the gap between foresight and implementation. Participants will explore Demos Helsinki’s approach to drive future-oriented policymaking, uncovering actions to secure long-term outcomes in uncertain times. 💫 Lichtermeer statt Leuchtfeuer – Wirkungsorientierung digitaler Projekte (OKR Methode) Mit: Benedikt Göller , Tanja Krins, Gloria Volkmann In diesem Workshop wollen wir untersuchen, wie die zunehmende Digitalisierung strategisch "messbar" gemacht, Wirkungseffekte dargestellt und Projekte wirkungsorientiert gesteuert werden können. Es werden die Entwicklung eines Kennzahlen-Portfolios und Methoden der Wirkungsorientierung diskutiert und verschiedene Ansätze zur Wirkungserfassung und -messung in kommunalen Smart City Initiativen betrachtet. #CBF24 #CreativeBureaucracyFestival #digital #kickoff #register #now

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