Upgrade Success Thank you for this exciting update! We are proud to support your training goals and look forward to experiencing the benefits of this upgrade. Thank you to the entire team for their commitment to excellence. #UFAInc #ATC #ATCSimulator #Tower #Radar
After 3 long days our UFA, Inc. Tower and Radar simulators of the Belgian Military ATC School are up and running. After a decade of reliable service all PCs have been upgraded by Intel Corporation powered HP workstations. As always with such a major overhaul one runs into several unexpected hickups, but thanks to a devoted and highly motivated team we managed to replace the old workstations, monitors and touchscreens. Reconfigured the new ATTower software and achieved proper cable management before the set deadline! Thanks to Mathias Türck (the ATTower Guru), Heiko Kunze (Mr ATEditoooor) and Kevin "the Cable Guy" Wolf from UFA, Inc. Also credits go to Seppe and Ruben, our Pseudo pilots for supporting my bossing around and other shenanigans 😁 It was a pleasure gentlemen 👍