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Project ECHO

Project ECHO

Public Health

Albuquerque, New Mexico 8,389 followers

Project ECHO’s revolutionary model provides training and mentorship to transform and sustain strong systems.

About us

At Project ECHO, we believe that the right knowledge at the right place and the right time can save millions of lives. The benefits of knowledge are a social good that should be available to everyone. Together, we empower local communities to access expert knowledge wherever they live. The ECHO Model has proven effective and scalable across disciplines, empowering global change in health, education and civics. Help us save and improve millions of lives globally, and join us in our goal of touching 1 billion lives by 2025!

Public Health
Company size
51-200 employees
Albuquerque, New Mexico


Employees at Project ECHO


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    📝 The MetaECHO proposal portal is now open! 📝 If you are an ECHO partner with a story, program learning, research finding, or workshop to share, we invite you to submit a presentation proposal and participate in this year’s MetaECHO Global Conference. 🌐 What is the MetaECHO Global Conference? 🌐 The MetaECHO 2025 Global Conference will bring together ECHO partner teams, global health policy experts, government officials, academic leaders, and funders to increase the ECHO movement's momentum for sustainable change. The conference is an annual gathering. 📅 When is MetaECHO? 📅 Sept. 7-11, 2025 📍 Where is MetaECHO? 📍 Albuquerque, NM 🖱️ How do I submit a proposal? 🖱️ 1️⃣ Visit our proposal submission site here: 2️⃣ Select one out of the six presentation types: ECHO Talk, panel presentation, partner presentation, workshop, podcast/video, or poster. 3️⃣ Prepare the content needed for your presentation proposal. 4️⃣ Submit your proposal before March 31, 2025. ❔ Questions? Send us a message or post a comment. We're looking forward to hearing from you! #metaecho2025 #globalhealth

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  • 🌐 “Peer education is a program that cares about changing the statistics [of incarceration] — not adding to them.” 🌐 At the MetaECHO 2017 Global Conference, Carissa McGee, ECHO program manager, shares how the New Mexico Peer Education ECHO Program impacted her life by providing her a new pathway to hope, community, and purpose. Join the inspiring tapestry of ECHO voices at this year’s MetaECHO Global Conference. Apply to share your ECHO program story by submitting a presentation proposal here: 📆 Proposals are due by March 31, 2025. #metaecho2025 #peereducation

  • ⚙️ ECHO education partners in Enid, OK, are building their capacity and improving student outcomes through learning-centered AI technology. ⚙️ ECHO, Khan Academy, and Oklahoma State University partnered to develop an AI teaching assistant called Khanmigo. Our partners at Enid High School implemented Khanmigo through the ECHO Model. Educators gathered for virtual learning sessions where they discussed using Khanmigo to develop efficient tracking systems — for homework and classroom assignments — and monitor student progress. Stephanie Garis, a math teacher at Enid High School, shares how Khanmigo has helped her identify where students need extra support and provide them with targeted lessons: “Some of my kids have holes in their algebra skills Khanmigo helps me fill in those holes.” Learn more about the impact of Khanmigo in our community story: #education #aiclassroom

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  • ECHO programs in Latin America are expanding access to mental health care. With eight mental health programs running in the region, health care workers and specialists utilize the ECHO Model to develop services in underserved communities. Together, workers and specialists are building a network of knowledge and collective support. Dr. Sandra Romano, ECHO program coordinator at The University of the Republic in Uruguay, describes how the ECHO Model builds the capacity of both mental health providers and systems: “Many smaller towns and villages [in Latin America] lack mental health teams. ECHO helps build capacity so that primary care providers can offer mental health services to the population, in tandem with support from city or urban providers.” To learn more, read “Strengthening Mental Health Systems: ECHO Partners in Latin America” here: Corporación RENATA_ ___ [Spanish] Los programas de ECHO en América Latina están ampliando el acceso a la atención de salud mental. Con ocho programas de salud mental en marcha en la región, trabajadores sanitarios y especialistas utilizan el modelo ECHO para desarrollar servicios en comunidades desatendidas. Juntos, trabajadores y especialistas están creando una red de conocimientos y apoyo colectivo. La Dra. Sandra Romano, coordinadora del programa ECHO en la Universidad de la República de Uruguay, describe cómo el Modelo ECHO refuerza la capacidad tanto de los proveedores de salud mental como de los sistemas: «Muchas ciudades y pueblos pequeños [de América Latina] carecen de equipos de salud mental. ECHO ayuda a crear capacidad para que los proveedores de atención primaria puedan ofrecer servicios de salud mental a la población, en tándem con el apoyo de los proveedores de la ciudad o la ciudad.» Para saber más, lea «Fortalecimiento de los sistemas de salud mental: Socios de ECHO en América Latina» aquí:

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    Are you passionate about supporting maternal and family health in New Mexico? Join our free Maternal & Child Health Capacity Development Initiative for Community Health Workers and Representatives Training. With a community of experts and professionals, you learn best practices, build your community, and exchange knowledge. Schedule: 📅 Wednesday, May 14 ⌚ 8:30 a.m.-5p.m. 📅 Thursday, May 15 ⌚ 8:30 a.m.- 3:30 p.m. 📝 Training topics: - Engaging Fathers/Partners - Trauma-Informed Care - STD Prevention - Cervical Cancer Prevention - Addressing Systemic Racism - Healthy Relationships - Contraception 📌 What’s provided? - Continuing Education Units (CEUs) - Specialty Certification - Room, board, and mileage 🔗How do I learn more? Visit our information and application page here: This initiative is a collaborative effort between Tewa Women United, New Mexico Department of Health's Office of Community Health Workers, and Project ECHO. #MaternalHealth #CommunityHealth #Capacitybuilding

  • “The Peer Education Program has enabled the New Mexico Corrections Department to share a powerful message of mentorship. Peer educators connect with inmates in a way that staff cannot. This connection is invaluable, especially when addressing critical topics such as health care and reentry into society.” Alisha Tafoya Lucero, cabinet secretary of the New Mexico Corrections Department, reflects on the life-changing impact of the New Mexico Peer Education ECHO Program. The Peer-to-Peer Education Program Guide, published by the Bureau of Justice Assistance, highlights the New Mexico Peer Education ECHO Program and offers step-by-step instructions for developing peer education programs in correctional facilities. 📝 Explore the guide here: 📖 Read “Fifteen Years of Changing the Lives of Incarcerated People” to learn more about the New Mexico Peer Education ECHO Program:

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    Project ECHO’s Opioid Crisis and Pain Management program gives health care providers the tools to treat chronic pain and opioid use disorder with compassion and evidence-based care. Through telementoring, providers learn harm reduction, non-opioid pain management, and stigma-free treatment. For Joe Rivas, this training has been life-changing—both professionally and personally.

  • Are you an educator in New Mexico looking to connect with a community of like-minded leaders, discuss best practices, and improve student outcomes? Join our College and Career Counseling ECHO Program to build your classroom and administrative skills and to support students with post-secondary education and career planning.

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  • 🌎 Women in rural Latin America are more likely to experience maternal mortality and morbidity. ECHO partners throughout the region are addressing this disparity by connecting local health care providers – in remote, hard-to-reach communities – with global virtual training and mentorship networks. Through virtual training, rural health care providers learn how to detect pregnancy complications early and implement life-saving preventive care.   Learn how ECHO partners in Latin America are improving maternal health outcomes in “High Demand for Latin American Women’s Health Programs” ➡️: — [Spanish] Las mujeres en zonas rurales de América Latina tienen más probabilidades de sufrir mortalidad y morbilidad maternas. Los socios de ECHO de toda la región están abordando esta disparidad conectando a los proveedores locales de servicios de la salud -en comunidades remotas y de difícil acceso- con redes globales de formación virtual y tutoría. Mediante la formación virtual, los proveedores de servicios de la salud rurales aprenden a detectar precozmente las complicaciones del embarazo y a poner en práctica respuestas preventivas que salvan vidas. Descubra cómo los socios de ECHO en América Latina están mejorando los avances en la salud materna en «Alta demanda de programas de salud de la mujer en América Latina»➡️: — [Portuguese] As mulheres da zona rural da América Latina têm maior probabilidade de sofrer mortalidade e morbidade materna. Os parceiros ECHO em toda a região estão lidando com essa disparidade conectando prestadores de serviços de saúde locais - em comunidades remotas e de difícil acesso - com redes globais de treinamento virtual e orientação. Por meio do treinamento virtual, os prestadores de serviços de saúde rurais aprendem a detectar complicações na gravidez precocemente e a implementar respostas preventivas que salvam vidas. Saiba como os parceiros ECHO na América Latina estão melhorando os resultados da saúde materna em “Alta demanda por programas de saúde da mulher na América Latina”➡️: #maternalhealth

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