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IT Services and IT Consulting

Bring you something new to change your networking life with tech.

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The future is just a tap away. Experience the unparalleled ease of connecting and engaging with others like never before.

IT Services and IT Consulting
Company size
11-50 employees
Privately Held

Employees at WHOSiFY


  • The WHOSiFY team, inspired by early environmental education, has launched the world's first carbon-neutral digital business card. The initiative aims to combat deforestation, as over 7 million trees are cut annually for traditional business cards. Our digital solution allows users to share contact information and social media links while eliminating paper waste. Since launch, we have attracted over 4,000 users, including government departments, listed companies and International brands. The team is now developing an integrated product combining employee ID, access card, and digital business card functions. We believe that achieving carbon neutrality requires collective effort and small changes in everyone's daily lives. https://lnkd.in/gc842v3F

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    InvestHK London Thank you for the support, which gives us greater motivation to contribute more to environmental protection and digital transformation. #RevolutionaryConnection #Simplicity #Humanity #WHOSiFY

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    Drawn to Hong Kong’s vibrant I&T ecosystem, WHOSiFY established its headquarters in the city to accelerate its digital business card operations. Hong Kong’s thriving innovation and technology (I&T) ecosystem, coupled with a strong drive for digital transformation among its populace, and a dedicated focus on environmental, social and governance (ESG) initiatives, have positioned it as an attractive destination for companies seeking to establish their headquarters. WHOSiFY, a dynamic tech startup originating from the United Kingdom, is among the enterprises attracted to Hong Kong’s vibrant I&T ecosystem. WHOSiFY provides a revolutionary digital business card platform that offers users a convenient, fast and intuitive way to make connections and engage in business contacts. By simply tapping the WHOSiFY digital business card on the recipient’s smartphone, users can instantly share their profile directly with the recipient. This enables the exchange of contact information to become seamless, efficient and environmentally friendly.   Empowering I&T Startups By choosing Hong Kong as its headquarters, WHOSiFY can leverage the city’s robust I&T landscape and tap into its supportive business environment. Lisa Marie Tse, Co-founder of WHOSiFY, stated, “Hong Kong boasts world-class telecommunications and IT infrastructure, including widespread access to high-speed internet and mobile connectivity. This robust tech ecosystem provides a solid foundation for developing and scaling digital solutions, ensuring reliable and seamless user experiences for WHOSiFY’s customers.” Tse said, “In addition, as a global financial hub, Hong Kong attracts a diverse pool of talent, investors and business partners from around the world. This multicultural environment fosters creativity, innovation and cross-cultural collaboration, all of which are essential for WHOSiFY to develop cutting-edge digital products.” She added that the city offers a supportive ecosystem for startups, with a range of resources and support networks available. These include government-backed initiatives, incubators, accelerators, and funding schemes designed to help startups navigate regulatory frameworks, access capital, and connect with potential partners or clients. Promoting Eco-friendliness Hong Kong’s steadfast commitment to ESG aligns with WHOSiFY’s core values, opening up opportunities for growth and enabling the company to make a positive impact. On Earth Day 2024, WHOSiFY took a significant step by launching its carbon-neutral digital business cards, actively promoting a sustainable lifestyle. Tse said, “We are currently undergoing environmental verification processes and are on track to become the pioneer in carbon-neutral digital business cards. #RevolutionaryConnection #Simplicity #Humanity #WHOSiFY https://lnkd.in/eQqd-HYA

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    垃圾徵費再次暫緩執行,社會各界都需要找出合適的方法處理廢物問題,從而應對環境氣候變化帶來的挑戰。2020香港小姐冠軍謝嘉怡一直關注氣候問題,她從小便接受保護環境的教育,所以在日常生活各個層面都會奉行環保。最近,謝嘉怡與朋友合作投資第二盤生意WHOSiFY電子卡片方案,除了取代傳統的紙本卡片外,同時發展衍生出來的網絡管理及拓展人脈業務。   謝嘉怡自從獲得香港小姐冠軍,便開始演藝生涯,並且於翌年開始投資生意Allklear全清,經常出席不同的場合,需要派發卡片,同時亦獲得不少卡片。「我有時會忘記帶卡片,覺得很不方便;而且收了很多卡片回來,沒時間整理的話,容易丟失,失去聯絡資訊;最重要的是使用大量紙張,造成浪費。」 全球每年約720萬棵樹木遭砍伐製成卡片 根據資料,為了生產每年達100億張紙張名片,全球每年大約有720萬棵樹木遭到砍伐,相當於1.58億公斤的二氧化碳排放量,當中接近九成的紙張名片卻於一週內被丟掉,令她覺得很心痛。「地球只有一個,破壞了就無法復原,實在需要我們好好保護,讓後世也能擁有美好的環境。」   保留派卡片的儀式感 謝嘉怡投資Allklear全清,經朋友介紹認識夏寶均,由於大家擁有相同理念,三年前已有創業概念,開始整理概念及研發相關產品。 夏寶均在法國長大及求學,當地的教育亦非常注重環保,令他自小已培育出相關的概念。夏寶均大學修讀工商管理,畢業後返港從事私人銀行,專門照顧高淨值客戶,由於經常需要與客戶接觸,所以需派發大量卡片。當他認識謝嘉怡,知道對方的創業念頭,最終連同數名朋友,一起創辦WHOSiFY。夏寶均說:「這盤生意屬於IT、電子商務、品牌及營銷 ,創辦團隊來自相關界別,而我們其中一個重點是宣揚綠色環保及無紙化,所以包括一位ESG界別的領導者和專家。」   WHOSiFY初期投資額約200萬元,包括軟件及硬件開發、購買生產設備、備貨、租用小型辦公室、宣傳及廣告費等。去年正式成立公司,並且於今年4月20日世界地球日,正式推出電子卡片方案。 實體膠卡向具NFC手機一拍 即分享檔案 WHOSiFY的電子卡片是一張實體膠卡,在任何具有NFC(近場通訊)功能的手機上一拍,可將名片檔案分享到對方手機。手機畫面顯示一個九宮格,包括不同的通訊渠道,例如通訊程式、社交媒體平台、電郵、電話等,對方只需一按即可將多項訊息儲存在手機內。夏寶均說:「如果只是一個手機應用程式(App),大家互相『嘟』,雙方之間缺乏互動;擁有一張實體卡的話,卡面可作個人化設計,而且保留『派』卡片的儀式感。」   人們可以在WHOSiFY的網站,選擇不同設計的卡片,同時可以上載相片或圖案,進行個人化設計,約需四至五個工作天,便能夠完成製作卡片。用戶收到卡片後,透過手機啟動,便可以編輯個人聯絡資訊,而且可以隨時再次編輯,甚至預備數個版本,因應不同的對象「派發」不同版本的卡片。謝嘉怡說:「我作為公眾人物,實在不方便隨便透露個人電話,所以很多時無法添加對方的WhatsApp,有時令到場面有點尷尬,使用WHOSiFY的方案,有助解決這個問題。」 更可隨名片派發折扣優惠 此外,現時很多人都身兼數職,即是流行的斜桿族(slasher),WHOSiFY可以方便他們派發不同公司、集團或組織的卡片。用戶可以將WHOSiFY卡片加入Apple Wallet或Google Wallet,即使忘記攜帶實體卡,可以在手機上打開,讓對方掃描。謝嘉怡說:「與其說是個人卡片,其實更像一個presentation平台,加入不同的聯絡渠道,讓新結識的朋友全面了解自己。」如果是做生意的朋友,甚至可以隨著名片,一同派發折扣優惠,讓對方購買公司產品的時候享有優惠,並且可以即時按九宮格中的PayMe或轉數快logo,即時付款。   WHOSiFY至今累計達1,000名用戶,同時吸納了數個企業客戶,包括新鴻基地產、四季酒店及瑰麗酒店等。夏寶均說:「這些集團聘用不少前線員工,包括銷售及推廣、租務等,這些員工需要派發大量卡片,所以嘗試以WHOSiFY的方案取代。」   7月將推手機App WHOSiFY正在研發手機App,預期於7月推出,這個手機App共有三個功能,能夠方便用戶管理人際網絡。第一個功能是卡片盒,如果雙方都是用WHOSiFY的方案,便可以自動儲存聯絡資訊,形成一個catalog。第二個功能是掃描器,可以將傳統的卡片掃描,儲存當中的資訊;最後一個功能是創造社群,有助拓展人脈,這將在較後期才推出。   夏寶均說:「現時WHOSiFY的卡片只有一個芯片,我們正在研發左右兩個芯片的卡片,這是技術上的突破,屆時除了作為個人卡片,同時可以用作職員咭。」不少公司都採用門禁系統,員工需要使用職員卡進出公司辦公室、洗手間或其他設施。 捕捉海外商機 擬進軍台灣或南韓 除了個人及企業客戶外,由於WHOSiFY集合了大量人脈資訊,包括公司老闆、年輕專業人士、富二代或三代、知名人士等,因而邀請他們加入成為會員,現時已有超過100名會員。WHOSiFY之前替新世界集團邀請會員參加Dior的活動,了解品牌最新的護膚產品。其訂單中包括來自台灣、東南亞和歐美的客戶,他們到港出差,或者在某些國際會議上,接觸到WHOSiFY電子名片,自行於網上搜尋,反映出海外市場的商機,公司正積極聯絡海外合作夥伴,預期今年內進軍台灣或南韓。 公司暫時未有融資計劃,首階段利用創辦團隊的資源打好基礎,然後再穩步發展,屆時或會引入能夠帶來協同效應的投資或合作夥伴。另外,WHOSiFY積極考慮參與政府的初創孵化計劃,期望透過他們的網絡加快發展。   創辦團隊最關心的始終是環境問題,所以首兩年專注於研發工作,包括物色實體卡的物料,先後向近20間供應商接洽,才找到合心意的選擇,現時使用RPET製作,屬回收塑料循環再用,使用壽命長達10年。WHOSiFY正在進行相關的環保資質認證,細心計算由採購原料、生產過程、運輸過程中產生的所有碳排放,有望成為世界首款碳中和電子名片。   購入碳權抵銷 首階段WHOSiFY將於香港交易所的國際碳市場Core Climate交易平台使用合適的碳權作抵銷,現時經已購入一噸碳權,視乎需要增加購買量,公司承諾往後逐步降低生產過程中的碳排放量。   WHOSiFY計劃參加由世界綠色組織及聯合國亞太經社會(UN ESCAP)合辦的ESG國際會議,加強推廣企業無紙數碼化。 此外,謝嘉怡將部分利潤捐贈予世界綠色組織及香港循環經濟學會,支持無紙化推廣工作,加強可持續發展活動。 #RevolutionaryConnection #Simplicity #Humanity #WHOSiFY https://lnkd.in/gM396zQc

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    In an era where the new generation prioritises environmental protection and sustainability, the corporate world is undergoing a transformative shift towards green living. This “eco-friendly trend” has gained momentum, with a growing emphasis on ESG factors and innovative technologies to foster sustainable practices. At the forefront of this movement stands WHOSiFY, poised to unveil its latest innovation – carbon-neutral digital business cards – on Earth Day (22 April), at the vibrant Japanese izakaya and rooftop bar, AOAO in Central, Hong Kong. Ms. Lisa-Marie Tse, the Co-Founder of WHOSiFY, will spearhead the launch event alongside esteemed partners and guests, including Legislative Councilor Mr. Jesse Shang Hailong, Dr. William Yu, CEO of World Green Organisation, Dr Franklin Yu, Board of Director of Hong Kong Green Building Council, and Ir. Lee Ping-kuen, JP, Chairman of Association of Engineering Professionals in Society and former Chairman of the Environmental Division of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers. Members and users alike are invited to partake in this significant milestone. Lisa-Marie Tse’s journey is deeply rooted in her passion for environmental conservation. Growing up in the UK and later winning the 2020 Miss Hong Kong beauty pageant championship, she chose to pursue her career in Hong Kong. However, her frequent travels between the UK and Hong Kong revealed the inconvenience and environmental impact of traditional paper business cards. Witnessing the wastage firsthand, she Co-Founded WHOSiFY with like-minded partners to develop simple, reusable, and environmentally friendly digital business cards, promoting paperless digital transformation. The decision to establish the company’s headquarters in Hong Kong was strategic, leveraging the city’s international stature, abundant resources, and supportive business environment, coupled with production support from the Greater Bay Area.   WHOSiFY’s carbon-neutral digital business cards offer users a seamless and sustainable networking solution. By tapping the WHOSiFY digital card on a recipient’s smartphone, users can instantly share their profiles across various platforms, saving time and paper. Made from recycled RPET material, WHOSiFY cards boast a lifespan of up to 10 years, combining durability with environmental responsibility. Customisable designs elevate brand image and style, surpassing the effectiveness of traditional paper cards while reducing paper usage and improving long-term ESG performance. #RevolutionaryConnection #Simplicity #Humanity #WHOSiFY https://lnkd.in/g37d7q97

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