Proudly partnering with Decathlon China 迪卡侬中国 on the exciting journey of decarbonization with Windrose long haul electric trucks! ⚡️⚡️♻️♻️
DECATHLON Logistics in China break records in 2024 with electric truck for products deliveries. Discover our journey in Decathlon China Logistics, who has integrated the first long-distance heavy-duty electric truck into our logistics chain: a remarkable step towards achieving more sustainable transportation. They developed this innovative electric truck with a pioneer partner to deliver products between our warehouses, marking a significant milestone in Decathlon’s zero-emission truck project. We also completed the world’s longest road test with this fully loaded electric truck, covering an impressive 2,253 km in just 53 hours with only two recharges, avoiding a staggering 6 tons of CO2e compared to a diesel truck! In 2024, we’ve traveled over 823,233 kilometers for 61 Decathlon stores, which has helped us avoid 1,000.2 tonnes of CO2e. And we have been honored with the Annual ESG Practice Brand 2024-2025 Award from the Brand Narrative Award in China that highlights brands making positive changes. It’s a testament to our commitment to sustainability and operational excellence by changing the way we transport our sports goods. Uta XIA David Wang Ronan BOLE #WeAreTheValueChain #ReadyToPlay