Excited to have our CEO not only representing us but also as part of the panel at the CSO information sharing session in Nairobi, prepared by #FemnetSecretariat & #AmwaAfrika for the #AfricaBeijing+30! Intergenerational Dialogue – ‘Beijing and Beyond: The Journey towards Gender Equality’ This panel brought together pioneers from the 1995 Beijing conference and younger women to share experiences on what has worked and what still needs to be done. Panel Discussion Moderator: #NancyBaraza Speakers: #EstherMwaura, #MelvinObola, #RachelKagoiya, #ChantalUmhonza, our CEO Sesilia Shirima , #Georgia, and #NiyokwizigiraMédiatrice . Connecting, learning, and driving action for greater impact towards gender equality and youth empowerment. #Beijing30Africa #IntergenerationalDialogue #GenderEquality #YouthEmpowerment #CSOImpact