Interesting statistics highlighted here by the BBC, based upon data from the Department for Education (DfE) regarding the number of successful applications by Schools under the Condition Improvement Fund (CIF).
Especially considering the fact that the
state of School conditions remains a "top 3 risk" within the DfE's
most recent annual report.
The DfE continue to rate the condition of
School buildings as 'Critical' with a 'Very Likely' likelihood of an incident
occurring, yet the data regarding funding for Schools to leverage to support
improvements seems to be harder to reach.
Based on the DfE's own analysis published
in 2021, the average amount required per School to bring it up to an acceptable
standard is £516,390. Yet year on year since 2020-21 the number of successful
applications to the CIF have reduced, and the amount of funding set aside for
the CIF has also reduced year on year.
That being said, funding allocated to the
School Condition Allocations (SCA), the pot of funding that more and more growing
Multi-Academy Trusts (MATs) are finding themselves eligible for instead of the
CIF, has increased. However, MAT leaders responsible for managing their Trust's
funding applications have reported a much more challenging experience in vying
for funding from this source.
That experience seems understandable when
overlayed with the context of the fact that for 2024-25, ~4,363 Schools are
eligible for the CIF, which has a budget of £446,020 (~. Whereas a whopping
22,020 Schools now fall into the SCA funding pot, which whilst it has a larger
budget allocated, represents a much lower per School allocation that those
eligible for the CIF.
The experiences of Trust leaders
wrestling with balancing increasingly stretched funding between excellent
education experiences and student outcomes, whilst maintaining safe and
supportive learning environments, is very much backed up by the numbers.
It really highlights the importance of
empowering School and Trust leaders with the right tools to support successful
funding applications, and maximising where those funds are allocated to deliver
safe learning environments for students and staff, now and in the future.
Directeur Acquisitie & Ontwikkeling, Vooruitzicht
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