Wise words from our CEO Jason Manningham. Blockgraph is excited to forge the path with our amazing partners on the future of connected TV platforms through our privacy centric household identity and data collaboration platform.
Once again, Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity was a great event filled with many great client meetings & dinners, impromptu run-ins, and frank discussions. If you get the chance to go, I highly recommend it. It truly remains our industry's best event. But despite all the chatter you'll hear this week, Cannes is NOT the place where the future is being created. The future isn't crafted at Villas, on Beach Lounges, or inside expensive pop-up tents. The future is being developed on whiteboards and napkins, in meetings between customer & tech teams to discuss ways to solve pain points, and in the minds of the many creative folks of our industry who REFUSE to accept the status quo. It's being created in the garages of talented entrepreneurs playing around with LLMs, privacy-enhancing tech, and novel ways to approach the intersection of entertainment, data, and distribution. So, while I'll certainly miss the croissants, weather and laid back life on the Riviera, I'm more excited to put my nose to the grindstone with our incredible employees, partners and customers to create the future of connected TV platforms. And if you didn't get the chance to go this year, don't worry, you didn't miss the future. You were likely too busy creating it. #householdidentity #privacycentricadvertising #connectedTV #cookieless