Is tarlú contúirteach, díobhálach agus millteach aimsire í Stoirm Éowyn a d’fhéadfadh a bheith ina riosca tromchúiseach don bheatha agus ghortú do dhaoine nach leanann comhairle sábháilteachta.
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"Turashaka kubaka BK ibereye abikiriya bacu" Dr. Diane Karusisi. Iyo dusubije amaso inyuma, hari byinshi byiza twagezeho, dufatanyije. Uru rugendo kandi ruracyakomeza. Imbaraga zacu twese nizo zizatugeza aho twifuza. Tubifurije Umunsi mwiza w'Umurimo!
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Have you ever thought 'where is the plan - the joined up thinking?' Bhuel seo é anois's your chance to have your say on water services in Ireland - that's how our water get's to our taps and is taken away from our loos. Consultation is open to all on Uisce Éireann's Water Services Strategic Plan - Uisce Éireann’s objectives for the next 25 years and how to achieve them. Visit consultation page here Ní neart go cur le chéile #uisceeireann #SafeguardingOurEnvironment #EliminatingRawSewage #constructionnews #engineersireland #irishconstruction #cleanwater #safetyculture #irishconstruction #SafeguardingOurWater #construction #wastewater #wastewatertreatment #environmental #engineering #civilengineering #healthandsafety #planning #design
Tá an comhairliúchán poiblí ar an dréacht de Phlean Straitéiseach um Sheirbhísí Uisce 2050 (PSSU 2050) ar siúl agus leanfaidh sé ar aghaidh go dtí an 16 Iúil 2024. I ndréacht-Phlean Straitéiseach um Sheirbhísí Uisce 2050, leagtar amach ár gcuspóirí agus na bealaí ina bhfuil sé mar aidhm againn iad a bhaint amach i gcomhthéacs na ndúshlán suntasach is dócha a bheidh romhainn sna 25 bliana atá le teacht. Cláraigh ar ár seimineár gréasáin poiblí chun níos mó a fháil amach faoi dhréacht-PSSU 2050, an 5 Meitheamh 2024 ar
Bí i dteagmháil linn ar an PSSU
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Being aware this platform is not a place for such expression, but the basic human rights situation in Republic of Serbia became serious, I decided it deserves attention of proper international committees and authorities. All this in order for our citizens, foremost our youngest, to get their own country, land and basic civilian freedoms back. UNICEF please react, children in Republic of Serbia are threatened daily by current regime and their own "government". Besides this persona (representative of the ruling party, and an actual lawyer) saying that "children are property of the state", president of the country, Mr Aleksandar Vučić said it would take special forces 6-7 seconds to "take care of them". Was he alluding to high-schoolers and students protests and blockades? Why this question? Because those same children and young people have been attacked and students arrested (month and a half now) during their peaceful blockades by different paramilitary civilian thugs, some of them belonging to a ruling party too. All this is a consequence of a 12 year ruling of a highly repressive regime, triggered by unfortunate death of 15 and severe wounding of 2 people on November 1st this year by a collapsed roof of "renewed" train station, part of the governments investments program... Mind you, first week after the tragedy, government representatives, "president" included, not only never took the responsibility or stepped out to mourn with their own people, but claimed publicly that reconstruction of the roof never occurred... As citizens of the Republic of Serbia, within their constitutional rights, these children, young people, oppressed farmers, and remaining civilian sector are asking for their own government to do a transparent investigation and take real responsibility for most unfortunate series of events. Additionaly requests were made to make all (retroactive and current) national "investments and projects" transparent and open for public opinion and vote of confidence, return education system to teachers and students, return autonomy to all the institutions that got politically kidnapped (courts, parliament, education, social services, health care, etc), free National media and journalism of direct ruling system pressure, allow farmers to do live out of their own work, stop selling our land away, polluting us and simply to return our country to its citizens. So far, besides some smoke and mirrors, nothing happened, so the peaceful protests continue. As do physical attacks of our youngest and most prosperous ones... and here is what they have to say about it: Our brave kids, we are all so proud of them! Thank you in advance #euparliament #unitednations #basichumanrights #unicef #childrensrightsandobligations #wewantourcountryback #stopcorruption #republicofserbia #balkan
Molim nekog pravnika da objasni ovo što je dotični rekao. Ako je ovo tačno, ja kupim decu i napuštam "državu" iz ovih stopa. Ako nije tačno treba ga odmah tužiti, jer ovo što je rekao mislim da je najveća noćna mora svakog roditelja!
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🌊 [ MMC at Ocean Around Us - Echoes of the Abyss: Toxic Legacies of Oceanic Ecologies Symposium by Robertina Šebjanič] Brush up on your Slovene and have a listen to the 𝗦𝗲𝗮 𝗶𝗻 𝗨𝘀 by Lea Širok that explores the powerful story about the leftover ammunition from past wars that still sits at the bottom of the sea(s). The show echoes the recent symposium Ocean Around Us – Echoes of the Abyss, organized by Robertina Šebjanič and Manca Bajec, which explored the harmful impact of these toxic legacies on people and marine life.
Vabim vas k poslušanju oddaje Morje in mi, ki jo je pripravila Lea Širok: Strelivo na dnu oceanov – strupena dediščina vojnih spopadov. Oddaja je nastala kot odmev simpozija Ocean okoli nas – Odmevi brezna: Toksična dediščina oceanskih ekologij, ki sem ga organizirala skupaj z Manca Bajec ob podpori ekipe Cukrarna. Vojne puščajo strupene sledi tudi v oceanih. Na morskem dnu ponekod ležijo ogromna odlagališča odvrženih streliv. V Severnem in Baltskem morju bi z njimi lahko napolnili 2500 kilometrov dolg vlak, enak razdalji med Parizom in Moskvo. Tudi v Jadranskem morju je še precej odloženega streliva. Neeksplodirane mine in bombe so neposredna nevarnost za ljudi. Iz razpadajočih ohišij pa uhajajo snovi, ki dokazano škodijo morskim organizmom. Večplastno vprašanje odstranjevanja streliva iz svetovnih morij je bilo rdeča nit mednarodnega simpozija v Ljubljani, ki ga je umetnica - raziskovalka Robertina Šebjanič oktobra letos organizirala v sklopu svojega projekta Odmevi brezna. Njeno delo je premierno predstavljeno na razstavi v Parizu z naslovom Velika odprava Tara: Umetnost in znanost odstirata ocean, ki se bo zaključila marca prihodnje leto. Fondation Tara Océan CENTQUATRE-PARIS _________________________________________ Udeleženci simpozija, so bili: Dr. Natasa Rogelja – Caf, ZRC SAZU – Znanstvenoraziskovalni center Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti dr. Matthias Brenner, Inštitut Alfred Wegener, Helmholtzov center za polarne in morske raziskave (AWI) Tihomir Bošnjak, poveljnik Potapljaške ekipe Proti-teroristične enote Lučko, Hrvaška Petra Linhartova, Direktorica digitalnega razvoja in inovacij pri Fundaciji TBA21-Academy Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary mag. Janko Boštjančič, direktor Parka vojaške zgodovine Pivka, Slovenija (Park vojaške zgodovine Pivka/Park of military history Pivka izr. prof. dr. Kristina Pranjić, Univerza v Novi Gorici, Slovenija Bojan Kopač, Aljaž Leban, Andrej Šekli, Državna enota za varstvo pred neeksplodiranimi ubojnimi sredstvi (DEvNUS), Slovenija Dr. Irena Fonda, soustanoviteljica zavoda YouSea Institute - Zavod YouSea Davor Mišković in Ivana Katić, Drugo more Ivana Borovnjak in Maja Kolar, Oaza, MADE IN platform Gjino Sutic, researcher, @UR Institute dr. Manca Bajec, docentka na oddelku za vizualno kulturo na univerzi Goldsmiths Robertina Sebjanic, umetnica/ raziskovalka Prof. dr. Jacek Beldowski, Poljska akademija znanosti | PAN, in raziskovalec Inštituta za oceanologijo, Poljska akademija znanosti, Laboratorij za sodobne grožnje morskemu ekosistemu, dr. Miłosz Grabowski, oceanograf / hidrograf Laboratorij za morsko akustiko, Oddelek za morsko fiziko, Inštitut za oceanografijo PAS, Filippo Minelli, umetnik/raziskovalec Eduardo Castillo Vinuesa, kurator/ arhitekt/ raziskovalec Neja Tomsic, umetnica/ raziskovalka
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"Alfaaz beshak tumhare the, kahaani magar hamari thi..." Nand Ghar... A dream that resonates the masses. When a person with a big dream shares it with others, it can catch on and become everyone's dream for several exciting reasons. Imagine someone so passionate and confident about their dream that their excitement is contagious. Their energy makes you believe in their vision and want to be a part of it. If the dream speaks to things you care about or experiences you've had, it feels personal. It's like someone putting into words exactly what you've been feeling or hoping for. Great storytellers can turn dreams into vivid tales that stir your emotions. They help you see a better future and make you want to help create it. When you see others getting on board with a dream, it feels more real and achievable. You think, "If they believe in this, maybe I should too!" This snowball effect makes the dream grow even bigger. Especially when times are tough, a dream promising hope and positive change can be incredibly powerful. It gives you something to look forward to and work towards. With the internet and social media, dreams can spread like wildfire. When you see a dream being talked about everywhere, it's hard not to get curious and join in. Joining a big dream gives you a sense of belonging to something larger than yourself. It feels good to be part of a community working towards an exciting goal. In short, a dream can quickly become everyone's dream because it resonates with people's hearts, spreads through inspiring stories and social networks, and gives them hope and a sense of purpose. Regards, Rahul Anil Agarwal Priya Agarwal Hebbar Ritu Jhingon Ayodhya Prasad Gaur Harmeet Sehra Khurram Naayaab Roshni Rajaram Anil Agarwal Foundation Cairn Oil and Gas Vedanta Group
Akele hi chale the apni manzil ko paane...magar rah chalte carvaan banta chala gaya! Nandghar ke iss safar ka hissa banne ke liye aap sabhi ka dhanyawad 🙏
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Great case study for benefits that heat pumps and solar power plant can bring to your company from environmental and financial aspect. #Termoshop #solar #heatpumps
#ŠtudijaPrimera #CaseStudy Ponosni in hvaležni za to super sodelovanje! ☀ Za strateškega partnerja, skupino MAROVT GROUP, del katere je podjetje Aklimat, smo izvedli celovito energetsko preobrazbo --> namestili sončno elektrarno in sistem toplotnih črpalk ter izkoriščanja odpadne toplote kompresorskih postaj. Hvala celi ekipi in Jure Hundrič M.S. In El. Eng. za vodenje projekta na strani skupine. 🎉 ✨ Energetska prenova je strateška naložba, ki pomembno prispeva k zaščiti in izboljšanju konkurenčne prednosti! Na voljo so tudi velika nepovratna sredstva za namestitev sončne elektrarne 🏆 Preberite več:
Energetska preobrazba podjetja Aklimat: do 2,7 milijona evrov prihrankov v 30 letih
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Serbia is step closer to legalizing purges of "internal enemies" The Socialist Movement, the party of Aleksandar Vulin, Serbia's Deputy Prime Minister, has submitted a draft law on foreign agents aimed at completely suppressing freedom of thought, expression, and assembly in Serbia. The immediate impetus for this proposed law is the numerous and ongoing protests by citizens across Serbia, who persistently and convincingly demand accountability from the corrupt authorities for the deaths of 15 people at the Novi Sad railway station. This initiative continues Vulin's efforts to legalize and institutionalize the fight against "internal enemies" in Serbia, modeled after Eastern autocracies. Let us recall that in 2021, Serbia and Russia formed a joint working group to combat so-called "color revolutions," which serves as a tool for persecuting critics of autocratic regimes in both countries. Vulin, while serving as the head of the Security Information Agency (BIA), also compiled lists of "undesirable" individuals, with the main criterion being their critical stance towards the Serbian authorities. Meanwhile, security institutions have been fully repurposed to maintain the ruling party's power, and their actions toward citizens have become increasingly repressive. This initiative should not be dismissed as an populist, or propagandistic measure aimed at preserving voter cohesion for the ruling party. If the current government genuinely wanted to address harmful foreign influence, it should start with Aleksandar Vulin himself, who has been decorated by Russian security and intelligence services FSB and SVR.
„Predlog Zakona o stranim agentima predstavlja pokušaj vlasti da potpuno uguši slobodu mišljenja, udruživanja i javnog delovanja građana Srbije, približavajući zemlju 'klubu autokratskih država'”, Predrag Petrović za Beta News Agency ⬇️
Petrović (BCBP): Vulinov zakon o stranim agentima pokušaj gušenja slobode izražavanja i okupljanja
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Government Budget FY 2024/ 2025 Discussion
SIASA NA UCHUMI Mahojiano kamili hapa
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SICEH Foundation s chairman Tadej Nared will have a talk about Cyberwarfare and the risk to Slovenian companies. The talk is hosted by PALSIT d.o.o. 👏🏻
Kibernetske vojne niso več zgolj futuristična scena – postale so dejstvo, ki ogroža varnost in stabilnost poslovanja. 🔒 Kako se podjetja lahko zaščitijo? Kateri so ključni izzivi in priložnosti pri obvladovanju kibernetskih tveganj? Na ta vprašanja bo odgovoril Tadej Nared, predsednik uprave SICEH Foundation, ki bo v svoji predstavitvi "Kibernetske vojne in tveganja za slovenska podjetja" razkril strategije za povečanje odpornosti slovenskih podjetij na kibernetske napade. Bodite z nami v sredo, 18. 12. 2024 >>> 💻🛡️
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🤔I am increasingly noticing the practice of large companies entering into contracts with labour suppliers based solely on price. This can lead to serious violations, from non-compliance with minimum wage standards to tax evasion and paying salaries in “envelopes.” Such an approach not only negatively impacts the quality of services and working conditions but also undermines the foundations of fair economic competition and social justice. 😟 📢 Personally, I urge the business community to pay attention to this issue and reconsider their approaches to contractor selection. A responsible attitude towards selecting suppliers is not only a matter of law but also a principle of sustainable development for businesses and society at large. 🌍 #business #ethics #labourlaw #taxes #socialresponsibility
Teema, mis on oluline ja millest tuleb rääkida 💭
Tööjõurendi firmad kasutavad töötajaid järjest rohkem pahatahtlikult ära
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