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📃Scientific paper: Millimeter-wave CO and SiO Observations toward the Broad-velocity-width Molecular Feature CO 16.134-0.553: a Smith cloud scenario? Abstract: We report the results of the CO $\textit J$=1-0 and SiO $\textit J$=2-1 mapping observations towards the broad-velocity-width molecular feature CO 16.134-0.553 with the Nobeyama Radio Observatory 45 m telescope. The high quality CO map shows that the 5-pc size broad-velocity-width feature bridges two separate velocity components at $\textit V\_\{\rm\{LSR\}\}$$\quad$$\simeq$ 40 km s$^\{-1\}$ and 65 km s$^\{-1\}$ in the position-velocity space. The kinetic power of CO 16.134-0.553 amounts to $7.8\times10^2$ $\textit L$$\_\odot$ whereas no apparent driving sources were identified. Prominent SiO emission was detected from the broad-velocity-width feature and its root in the $\textit V\_\{\rm\{LSR\}\}$$\quad$$\simeq$ 40 km s$^\{-1\}$ component. In the CO Galactic plane survey data, CO 16.134-0.553 appears to correspond to the Galactic eastern rim of a 15-pc diameter expanding CO shell. An $1\deg$-diameter H I emission void and $4\deg$-long vertical H I filament were also found above and below the CO shell, respectively. We propose that the high-velocity plunge of a dark matter subhalo with a clump of baryonic matter was responsible for the formation of the H I void, CO 16.134-0.553/CO shell, and the H I filament. ;Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, 2 table, accepted for publication in ApJ Continued on ES/IODE ➡️ ------- If you find this interesting, feel free to follow, comment and share. We need your help to enhance our visibility, so that our platform continues to serve you.

Millimeter-wave CO and SiO Observations toward the Broad-velocity-width
  Molecular Feature CO 16.134-0.553: a Smith cloud scenario?

Millimeter-wave CO and SiO Observations toward the Broad-velocity-width Molecular Feature CO 16.134-0.553: a Smith cloud scenario?

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