Attended a session on Nai Taleem (Today and Tomorrow)
I recently attended a thought-provoking session on Nai Taleem, led by Prof. Sujit Singh and Prof. Pallavi Verma. This experience took me back to my own student days, when we explored the principles of this educational philosophy and discussed its implementation across the curriculum. However, as I’ve progressed through the education system, I’ve noticed that many of these beneficial practices have been sidelined.
Today’s educational landscape often feels like a race against time, marked by restlessness and an overwhelming rush to complete the curriculum. This approach is not only counterproductive but also diminishes the joy of learning. In the frenzy to cover material, we risk losing the essence of education—curiosity, creativity, and genuine engagement.
What we truly need is a shift in perspective. By slowing down, reflecting, and redesigning our educational systems, we can create environments that cater to all learners. This would involve prioritizing understanding over mere completion and allowing space for exploration and meaningful connections.
Nai Taleem reminds us that education should be about more than just finishing a syllabus; it should be about fostering a love for learning that lasts a lifetime. Embracing this philosophy could help us cultivate a more enriching and enjoyable educational experience for everyone.