The Aged Care Quality Commissioners webinar on Tuesday 21st May 2024 discussed the effectiveness and importance of the Consumer Advisor Committee.
Some of the key points raised were as follows:
#The committee should be a representation of those individuals who receive care and services.
#All consumers receiving care should receive an open invitation to be part of the committee and provide feedback on the care and services that they receive.
#Meetings should be held at least at least bimonthly and at a time that is convenient for the consumers to attend.
#A procedure should be in place on how a provider will use the feedback received and respond to the committee whether it is in writing or in person.
#No member of management should be present during the committee meetings to encourage residents to speak up without fear of any reprisals.
#An example of items that can be discussed during these committee meetings are as follows:
#Staffing - are the staff well trained, to do their jobs, and are they nice to you and others?
#Feedback and Complaints – how does your service encourage your feedback and respond to any complaints or suggestions for improvement?
#Safety – how does your service respond if something goes wrong? Do you feel safe?
#Activities and recreation – do you enjoy the activities that are provided? Are there any activities, special events, or celebrations you would like your service to provide?
Ask us how to establish, run, and monitor the effectiveness of your Consumer Advisory Committee, for further information please contact Steve Aivaliotis at 0418313303 or via email at
Remote Wellness, ACA.