Some things to consider perhaps ? A respectful question- Is the major problem that this is only an Admin focussed project in Pacific Ed that it ignores (publicly anyway) the students , their families our languages, cultures, identities, hopes aspirations , evidence based research on what actually works .. Example -The insistence in the Solomans that only standard British English can be used in education and bans Solomans Pidgin which everyone speaks and uses, denies thousands of students the chance to actually learn and succeed in education The possibility across the entire Pacific nations of having both through Bilingual Education with Biliteracy education is never examined for its research proven approach to raising academic achievement especially through Biliteracy in two literacies. In addition inappropriate outdated Assessment systems label most students as failures rather than an Ed system the acknowledges Pacific strengths and builds on what students bring to education with them and can be successfully built on as many other highly successful nations are doing ?? John McCaffery UOA Te Puna Wananga School Māori and Indigenous Education (Bilingual Biliteracy Education )
Public policy geek, feminist, education policy and planning professional currently living, working and learning in the Pacific 🇫🇯 @LSEPublicPolicy alumna
Now happening in Honiara 🇸🇧. The very first Education Policy and Planning Fono. The University of the South Pacific Institute of Education brings together education planners from the Pacific region to disucss challenges and solutions for SIDS in effectively designing and implementing education policies and plans. Key take away for me today: how to safeguard education reforms over time when political change jeopardizes much needed consistency and the need to understand who takes decisions in policy reforms #politicaleconomy. Pacific Regional Education Framework (PacREF) UNESCO Part 1