Kevin Chesters’ Post

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CSO (ex-strategy head at W+K, Dentsu, Ogilvy). Strategist / Client Advisor / Trainer / Speaker / Lecturer / Founder. Co-Author of "The Creative Nudge" ( Dad, Dog person, Autistic (and proud).

HEINZ. 57 VARIETIES, 2 WORDS There has been a lot written about this ad in the last week or so. I saw it. I smiled. I got on with my day. Of course I did. Then….once I had read some of the reactions and commentary around it, something hit me square in the face. Two words: Unconscious bias. I saw it and saw nothing. Know why? I’ve never - as a white male - had to face the negative stereotyping or ignorance that is suggested here. I didn’t see it. Know why? I wasn’t paying attention. Two more words: Inattentional blindness. Of course I didn’t see anything. I wasn’t looking. I’ve never had to deal with any of this. So it just went past me. So it teaches me, as it should teach you, and certainly teach Kraft Heinz that we have to get better at being able to spot this kind of lazy damaging stereotyping. Many people better, more experienced and certainly more appropriate than me have made suggestions about how. But really it just boils down to what we can all do. Two more words: Get better. #advertising #diversity #adverts #DEI #unconsciousbias #clients #agencies #marketing

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Charlotte Wiback

Leader of International Remote Creative Teams Promoting GOOD Brands ⭐️👍


They did, however, succeed in getting Heinz on everyone’s lips, no punt intended. Don’t they say “All PR is good PR”…?..😬

Victoria Higgins

Mum | The Professional Scientists Coach | I help STEM women embrace their brilliance, overcome self-doubt and get the recognition they deserve with kindness and humour.


Not seen this ad. Bloody hell, it’s toe curlingly awful.

Vasanth Seshadri

Founder and Creative Director at The Sunny Side | Author of "The Creative Human" (Worldwide No. 10 Bestseller) and "Cultural Engineering" (Worldwide No. 11 Bestseller)


The irony is that this controversy (and the other controversy about the Heinz on lips) both likely happened because of the good intentions of someone who wanted enough Black talent in these campaigns for inclusivity and representation (both unequivocally good goals). Ironically, a campaign with only white people wouldn't have been so controversial. But it would have still attracted a different sort of criticism ("Where's the diversity?"). This shows how we've painted ourselves into a corner and left ourselves with so many booby traps where there's a multitude of ways to get something wrong and only one very precise way to get something right. Which leads to fear and diffidence. This is part of why our industry is creatively hitting rock-bottom and starting to dig.

Gautham Narayanan

Agency Leader | CMO | Digital Marketing | Growth | Brand Strategy


Well put, with nuance and thoughtful reflection. I’d add two more words ‘hire better’. Relying on people to simply see what they don’t or can’t see is a big ask. (Sure they’ll learn this lesson, but there will be others). What isn’t a big ask is to hire a diverse workforce who would spot this shouldn’t leave the agency. That way everyone would learn because those who can see will enlighten those who can’t.

Dino Myers-Lamptey

Founder at The Barber Shop | Marketing Society Board Member and Fellow | BFS Trustee | NED


Absolutely true. We did research that informed the ASA racial stereotyping in advertising policy/guidance. If there’s one thing I would say about that, is that if you are not a ref election of the person in the ad then you simply don’t see the offense (unless is so bad), people pay attention but something triggers when ‘someone like them’ is featured, and it’s more so when you are rarely featured. It’s the reason you need to validate your work before you get it out in public. Validate it with the audiences you feature.

Dimitris Andreas Chatzidakis

Strategising unboredom with a serve-and-volley approach. 🔎 Stay curious, stay a child.


Great points. I wasn’t fully aware of inattentional blindness, but after a quick search, I found it’s often linked to mental workload and task interference. Maybe, to truly get better, we need to widen our focus beyond the creative work itself and consider how ‘fast-paced’—now a buzzword in almost every job listing—and high-pressure environments can unintentionally lead to blind spots.

Rob Andrews

Brand Director and Offshore Creative Specialist, working as a consultant or in fractional leadership roles to help organisations make fast, focused and meaningful brand change.


Of course the groom’s father always sits with the bride’s mother on the top table at a wedding, and vice versa. So the bride is mixed or has a stepdad and the groom’s mum is a divorcee.

Javier Fernandez

Problem solver/identifier/mitigator


Wouldn't it be nice if everyone would stop obsessing about race?

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