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Multiple firms drive Japanese insurer’s biggest overseas buy    Nippon Life Insurance Company/日本生命保険相互会社 is set to end 2024 with a planned all-cash acquisition of Bermuda-based US counterpart Resolution Life Group Holdings for USD8.2 billion, making it the largest overseas buyout made by a Japanese insurer to date.    Mayer Brown’s David Alberts is co-leading his firm’s team advising Nippon Life on the buyout as US and UK counsel. He is jointly heading the Mayer Brown transaction team with Joe Castelluccio and Camila Panama in advising Nippon Life on US and UK regulatory matters.    To complete the buyout, Nippon Life had also been seeking legal advice from Nishimura & Asahi, Ashurst and ASW Law, a 10 December Blackstone press release showed. The Nishimura & Asahi team, which is co-leading the overall deal with Mayer Brown, is being led by Tatsuya Tanigawa and Tatsuya Nakayama, while Ashurst’s Natsuko Ogawa and Con Tzerefos are heading its team.    Debevoise & Plimpton told Asia Business Law Journal that the firm was lead deal counsel for Resolution Life, supported on local issues by Herbert Smith Freehills in Australia, Linklaters in Japan, Conyers in Bermuda and Chapman Tripp in New Zealand. David Grosgold and Brita Siepker are leading the Debevoise & Plimpton team.     Matthew FitzGerald is leading the Herbert Smith Freehills team.     Kirkland & Ellis is also involved as one of the legal advisers to Resolution Life, with the US firm’s team consisting of Alex Brodkin, Richard Watkins, Aleksander B. and Anna Maria Alexandrou.    Check out Asia Business Law Journal for more legal news insights.    📢 Sign up for the latest updates in the legal industry:   #lawdotasia #ablj #iblj #cblj #japan #buyout #investment #insurance #disputeresolution #capitalmarkets #inhousecounsel #business #legalprofession #lawfirms #lawyers #legal #law

  • Multiple firms drive Japanese insurer’s biggest overseas buy. Read more on

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