2nd Edition of "How change happen", a must read for all development practitioners, from Duncan Green...
"The questions we ask (and keep asking):
• What (really) is the problem we are trying to address?
• What kinds of change are needed to resolve the problem (individual attitudes, social norms, laws and policies, access to resources)?
• Among these, where are the most promising points of entry for us to get involved, given who we are (our institutions, experience, networks, legitimacy)?
• What kind of power perpetuates the problem or enables it to be resolved? How can we help redistribute power to achieve fairer outcomes?
• What precedents are there that we can learn from (positive deviance, history, current political and social tides)?
• What kind of strategy might make sense for this change (traditional project, insider vs. outsider advocacy, multiple parallel experiments, fast feedback and rapid response)?
• What tactics are we going to try (delivering services, building the broader enabling environment, demonstration projects, convening and brokering, supporting local grassroots organizations, advocacy)?
• Learning and course correction: how will we learn about the impact of our actions or changes in context (e.g. critical junctures)?"