The best thing about virtual professional development, is that when it is planned well and thoughtfully curated, you can access it any time from any where. If you are passionate about Transitions Care for Arrivers, Leavers and Stayers and feel your school could better support your community, then watch these presentations with key members from your school...your Transitions Care Team. Safe Passage Across Networks (SPAN)
We are so grateful to our fabulous speakers and to all the attendees who were able to join us live this past week. At SPAN, we are still reflecting on all the meaningful conversations during the live Q&As. Although the live Q&As following each session were not recorded, each of the sessions (including our reflections at the end of both days) are available to watch for the next six months. So, for those of you who weren’t able to participate live, don't miss the opportunity to benefit from watching all of the fabulous SPAN Symposium 2024 recorded sessions. ➡️ Sign up here for our Post Symposium Registration Rates here: Jane Barron (MEd), Catalina GARDESCU, Aleka Bilan, Julia Love, Claudine Hakim, Ruth Van Reken, Michael Iannini, GRAHAM RANGER, Rami Madani, Mona Stuart #SPANSymposium2024