No sh*t... Ya think? Especially since none were ever completed. For that matter, neither would the Fletcher Class Destroyers, the Essex Class Carriers and/or the Baltimore Class Cruisers... Same with the Kon Tiki and SS Minnow. Are all of these Chief Editors and publications that starved for content that they actually solicit shallow, filler pieces like this or are they secretly in cahoots with each other to see which publication can continously and continually waste all of its readers' time by publishing the most "captain obvious" and / or sophmoric / neophytic piece of drivel? This historical fiction-esque article has the intellectual depth of badly translated Chinese VCR instructions and the martial relevancy of a Hand Turkey holding a pointed stick or Pack 10s Rain-Gutter Regatta secret hull design. Next up: Laura Ingalls Wilder would be no match against Mike Tyson's right hook / uppercut.
Also in breaking news - the Model T is no match for my F-150. In a related story - the Chinese were no match for the 1st Marine Division at the Chosin Reservoir.
I just can't with some of these articles...Battleships became obsolete (with the exception of beach landing prep and even much of that was ineffective) due to the invention of the aircraft carrier. Sure...some launched Tommyhawks into Kuwait/Iraq during Desert Storm (Iowa I THINK???). Several other vessels could do that as well that have much more versatility and less operational cost (probably) than a venerated old battlewagon. According to this article, B-29s would not be effective vs China. No 💩 Ya don't say (said in Nick Cage meme voice) And you mentioned Essex class Carriers. You are my people.
The Higgins boat and the LVT are no match for the EFV. Wait, one of those is fictional.
Pretty ships but based on a long gone model of warfare.
If battlewagons were still in our “National Interest” we would not have retired the surviving Iowa-class after the First Gulf War. So yeah set up the ring for smokers on the fantail! Circle up and put em up!
I just can’t with you…there are no words, except thank you for your outstanding analysis. Just, if I may Gunner, please try and be a little more candid. Jk.
Where do these people come up with this crap.
Wow, a ship designed in 1940-41 is no match for a 2020s navy. What a shock!
"What is steel compared to the hand that wields it?"
10moNational Interest has been pumping out these battleship themed articles out, quite often. Too much clickbait. Maybe we'll finally see a nuclear powered battleship, around the same time, we head back to the moon. I would also love to see Mrs. Wilder take on Mike Tyson on a Battleship deck. $20 on Mrs. Wilder; those frontier women were impressive.