We are thrilled to announce that our Managing Partner Jovan Nikcevic will be moderating a panel on the topic of Construction Contracts and FIDIC Contracts at this year's Meeting of Business Lawyers organized by the Serbian Business Lawyers Association (UDRUŽENJE PRAVNIKA U PRIVREDI). 🏗️📜 Join us from May 26-29, 2024, at Zlatibor for this insightful event where industry experts will delve into crucial aspects of legal frameworks in construction. Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights! #LegalIndustry #BusinessLawyers #ConstructionContracts #FIDIC
Udruženje pravnika u privredi Republike Srbije osnovano je 23.12. 1992. godine. Udruženje koje BAŠTINI TRADICIJU PUNE TRI DECENIJE I NUDI BROJNE MOGUĆNOSTI SVIM PRAVNICIMA POSLOVNOPRAVNE ORIJENTACIJE.
Drage koleginice i kolege, Na ovogodišnjem XXXII Susretu pravnika u privredi diskutovaćemo i na temu Ugovori o građenju i FIDIC ugovori. Ovim panelom će moderirati Jovan Nikcevic, rukovodeći partner Nikcevic & Kapor. Za susret se možete prijaviti na linku https://lnkd.in/eWEVVa9A. 🕙🔜 26 – 29. maj 2024. 📍 Hotel Zlatibor, Zlatibor Za sva dodatna pitanja nam možete pisati i na e-mail adresu office@pravniciuprivredi.org.rs. Vidimo se na Zlatiboru!