After three weeks of a somewhat jumbled schedule that had me out of my routine, I’m finally getting back on track today. It’s been a challenge to feel productive and focused with so much going on, but this week, we’re back at it, and I’m ready to regain some balance. I thrive in a world where structure and routine make everything flow better, but here’s the catch: I hate creating that structure and routine. Growing up, I didn’t want anyone telling me what to do, but now I find myself wishing someone would tell me what to do! So, how do I get back on track when I’m not naturally wired to build the track? Here are a few things that work for me: 👉 Start small – Instead of overhauling my entire schedule, I focus on one or two small habits that are easy to incorporate. For me, it’s things like starting each day with a 30-minute walk or simply making my bed (note: I already checked those two things off the list). 👉 Create visual reminders – Sticky notes, phone alarms, or even a quick daily checklist help keep me accountable. Seeing those small tasks laid out makes it easier to stay on course. 👉 Be kind to yourself – Falling off track happens. Instead of beating myself up, I focus on celebrating the small wins and moving forward without the guilt. It’s all about finding what works for you and sticking with it, even if it’s not perfect. What’s one small habit you’ll focus on this week? #BetterHabits #SmallSteps #Balance #Routine
Well said Patti. You’ve got this. Been there.
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3moWow, Patti- well said! I am focusing on drinking more water! My goal: fill my large water bottle/cup 4 times a day!