At P&G, affinity networks, or employee resource groups, play a pivotal role in both attracting and retaining talent and providing a platform for all employees to feel seen, valued and truly included. Within our People with Disabilities Affinity Network, we have support groups for employees, including those with hidden disabilities, chronic pain, brain injuries and more. These networks foster a culture of belonging for all employees and enable genuine connections, which in turn inspire a better understanding of the consumers we serve. Learn more about how our commitment to growing an inclusive, accessible and #DisabilityConfident workplace is helping us build teams where innovation sparks, creativity flourishes and careers and businesses grow together: #UniqueAndUnited
I really like this at P&G where I had my career. It is definitely needed. When I was a rep calling on retail stores and hdqtr sccounts where the store managers and buyers were really tough, my father got killed and our baby was born really prematurely within 3 months. My manager and the company were awesome and very understanding but it was tremendously traumatic. It was extremely difficult to call on those accounts. I had to fight my mental anguish to keep from quitting. I could have used a group like this. I could have performed and coped better. So I applaud my company for this initiative.
sounds too good to be true but I admire the idea. I just wonder how do you set standards for performance review with able and disable working at the same career level. Are they exempted from PIP? just a question.
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2moDoes the company support bias towards specific people simply by relationship?