Scientific Research Publishing’s Post

【Microbial Diversity and Key Metabolic Pathways in Lignite-Promoted Anaerobic Fermentation with Residual Sludge】 Full article: (Authored by Yawei Zhang, et al., from Henan Polytechnic University (China), etc.) Anaerobic digestion, a widely used sludge resourcing technology, utilizes anaerobic microorganisms to convert complex organic matter into energy sources such as volatile fatty acids and methane. In recent years, the co-fermentation of different substrates has become a hot research topic in anaerobic fermentation. This study conducts three sets of experiments with different ratios of residual sludge co-anaerobic fermentation with lignite to analyze the stages of degradation and transformation of methane, and analyzes the bacterial colony structure, metabolic pathways, and interactions between residual sludge and lignite in anaerobic methanogenic fermentation with different mass ratios using macrogenomics sequencing. 

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