Senior Source Consulting Group (SSCG)’s Post

What if there was a glitch on your #website and prospects were having a hard time reaching you? How long do you think it would take for someone on your team to notice? How many prospects might get frustrated only to turn to your competitors, never to return to your website or tour your community? We were performing a series of #website mystery shops for a client where we uncovered a problem with their Contact Us form. It wasn't working properly and new leads were not coming through. Fortunately, our team was able to alert our client and the issues were corrected promptly. May we suggest setting up a 12-pack of website #mysteryshops with us. Our team, at random, will conduct a website inquiry and provide written feedback on the experience. Pick your timeframe for completion -- your 12-pack can be completed over 12 months or any length of time you choose so "someone" is keeping an eye of the #quality of that online inquiry process while you are busy attending to other things. At Senior Source Consulting Group (SSCG), our goal is to be your strategic partner, helping to identify obstacles that might be standing in the way of better occupancy. One of our clients described our website inquiry mystery shops as a "no brainer" to ensure they weren't losing thousands. Want to learn more? Schedule a time to chat about your goals and preferences by clicking on Amy McKinley's calendly link below:

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