The closest I got to the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity last week was a drive down ATL’s Ponce de Leon Avenue, which we pronounce pahns duh lee-ahn, exactly how someone in the south of France would mock someone in the south of America.
From a safe distance of 4,723 miles, here’s a short list of what I think I think.
1. I think Cannes never fails to smell of a boondoggle – self-congratulatory, overindulgent, indefensible during tough economic times, and often awarding work no human not called a juror has ever seen before.
2. I also think Cannes never fails to deliver an earnest and important celebration of an industry that loves what it does, of moving marketing art and science forward, and of a community wishing nothing more than to use creativity for the good of craft and commerce and cause. So net-net, c'est la vie.
3. Humor isn’t back just yet, but it's trying. Of 28 Grand Prix Lions, I conservatively counted 6. I think the world needs more barf bag documentaries (thank you Dramamine) and edible mascots (thank you Pop-Tarts).
4. I think this is my non-scientific longevity/hype scale: AI > VR > Metaverse > NFTs > skywriting > Clubhouse.
5. The AI train has long left the station, but I think we’d all be wise to keep in touch with Tinx.
6. I think there's an inverse correlation between the number of speakers on a panel and odds of learning something new.
7. I think creative effectiveness is no less worthy of Cannes-level attention and celebration. Do the powers that be at Effie Worldwide ever dream of a Festival of their own? (In Atlanta? Because Atlanta Influences Everything.)
8. I think the Cannes mission warrants making it possible for smaller agencies to more easily get in on l’action. $4500 for a Festival pass, whether you're a $200mm agency, $20mm agency or a $2mm agency.
9. I think little is as frustrating as an idea you couldn't quite sell in then winning a Lion (a very high-profile Lion, to boot) for someone else. Happy for them, truly. But also merde.
10. But also, je pense nous reviendrons.
#advertisingindustry, #brandenergy, #marketing, #agency, #advertising, #canneslions, #atlantainfluenceseverything
Creative Mind @ DENKdifferent
1mosehr sehr cool! 👏