The article talks about cooperation and why key market players are not only using this term as a buzzword but also actually implementing cooperation in their day-to-day operations.
At 4PM Ventures, we not only understand and talk about it, but we've also launched an entire product, basing our entire startup Acceleration Program on a platform-based approach.
What does this mean in reality? How is 4PM developing a platform, not just a collection of startups?
-Defines the technological scope of each platform (what each platform will be about)
-Validates the chosen platform concept with clinics and key participants in the healthcare ecosystem (is this really necessary?)
-Searches for existing technologies and startups in the market that could potentially become part of the platform (not just the startups that approach us)
-Finds or creates missing components of the platform (sometimes it's necessary to create them)
-Acts as a mediator for negotiations between startups to unify teams, technologies, and companies into a single product and solution (uniting startups into a coherent story is not an easy task)
-Organizes pilot projects (where startups are most needed)
-Customizes solutions for specific clients (that's why we're working on building an ecosystem with businesses, universities, clusters, and research centers - and that's why I'm needed here)
We truly believe that the future belongs to platforms, and right now, we are creating a visionary product that operates on this principle.
🚀 Innovation im Mittelstand: Die Macht der Kooperation! 🚀
Warum sind Partnerschaften zwischen etablierten Unternehmen und Start-ups der Schlüssel für #Innovationen? Für unseren neuesten Blogbeitrag haben wir mit Florence Straßburger von Generali Deutschland AG und Denise Arnold von der VNG AG genau darüber gesprochen.
Unsere Highlights aus dem Artikel:
💡 Interdisziplinäre Kooperationen sind entscheidend, um die großen Herausforderungen unserer Zeit anzugehen und den Markt dynamisch mitzugestalten.
💡 Zusammenarbeit zwischen unterschiedlichen Playern bietet nicht nur frische Perspektiven, sondern auch nachhaltige Geschäftslösungen.
Was sonst noch wichtig ist, erfahrt ihr auf unserem Blog:
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