🏢 It's internship season, so pay it forward!
The below WSJ article provides some staggering statistics of how many college grads are not working in their field of study post-graduation, as well as the importance of internships in setting the right pathway.
With that in mind, and with many students still struggling to find placements, I'm reaching out to my network to create a virtual bulletin board in the comments where you can:
✍ Take the opportunity to make a connection and introduce my network to any last-minute options that might be around.
✍ Share an unconventional tip that worked for you or someone in your network in your earlier job search.
When I was in college at New York University, the old-school options were easier, and I was able to locate a lot of interesting opportunities, some short-term, and others more long-term, through the Job Office that was located on Waverly Place at the time.
Let's see if we can recreate some of that magic and further bolster our local economies, and make some matches!