Tony Bootes’ Post

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Senior Vertical Transportation Consultant

Let's talk about invisible illnesses. These come in many different forms, and guess what, no one knows who has one and who doesnt. You don't know who is suffering, how they are suffering or why they are suffering, because you can't see it. Sufferers tend to be good at hiding things, putting on a happy smile, saying they are ok There are not many people who know this about me but I have a condition called Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS). It started around the 2000/2001, I started to suffer with a back pain, something I had suffered with off an on since my early teens.This became worse where I was suffering with pains in my feet, neck and hips. This got a lot worse on my return to university. I went to see the doctor who prescribed me with pain killers, these made no difference, so more trips to the doctors. I got referred to hospital to see numerous specialists, who proceeded to prod and probe me, perform brain scans, nerve deterioration and muscle wastage tests, they didnt find anything. I was in limbo. I was struggling to perform basic tasks, showering, putting socks on and even rolling over in bed was extremely painful. I finished university and came back home and had to go to the doctors, again. I saw a great doctor, a locum who out of the blue suggested I go to see a rheumatologist. Two years after first symptoms I was diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis. Never heard of it, struggled to pronounce it and certainly couldn't spell it. So, what is AS? Well my simple take on it is this, it is an auto-immune disease that attacks the skeletal system, specifically the spine and neck, but can impact all joints, there other effects such as turedness and fatigue. If you can picture your spine, each vertebrae with squishy bits in between allowing you to bend and twist. Now imagine if this was fused together with bone growing between each vertebrae, that is what is happening. This led to years of being on anti inflammatory tablets and eventually biological injections that I take every 2 weeks. These have changed my life, allowed me to play football with my kids, pursue martial arts and generally lead a normal life. I count myself as being lucky, as some people who suffer with AS can't work or they have full fusion of the spine. Ankylosing Spondylitis affects around 200,000 people in the UK, symptoms usually start around the late teens, with back pain. See the link below for more information and a better explanation. This is useful for family members and employers alike. The real message in all of this is that invisible illnesses come in many different shapes and sizes, mental health, anxiety or any auto immune disease and many others. So the message: It's OK not ot be OK, it's OK to say you are suffering, it's OK to ask for help. Be kind, be understanding and don't judge. #MentalHealth #AnkylosingSpondylitis #BeNice #InvisibleIllness #DontJudge #Nass

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