5 Tips For Perfect Event Planning

Registration, presentation, interaction. Your next generation business event manager.

Organizing a corporate event can be a big challenge if you don't plan well and we know that this can be the hardest part of any event, especially if it's your first. You have to think about the guests, presenters, speakers, consierges, content, schedule, number of vacancies, waiting list... It's a lot, isn't it?

The good news is that we have listed 5 tips that will help a lot and you will be able to start organizing your event with more security, mitigating possible unforeseen events and guaranteeing a successful result.

It is during planning that some questions are raised, and need to be answered to clarify the objectives. This will make it easier at the time of location research, physical and virtual structure, guest list, among others.

Here are some questions you should ask yourself in the planning phase:

  • What is the differential of the event?
  • Who will be the target audience?
  • Will the event be private or open to the public?
  • What purpose of this event? Training, improving the company's image, motivating the team?

Despite having many worries, hosting an event can be more fun than you think! That's why we've put together 5 of these tips that will help you with your planning, check it out:

1. Objectives and goals:

The goal can be to bring a specific number of guests, make more sales, increase the reputation of your brand or company, offer training and qualification... The options are numerous, so create clear goals and objectives for everyone involved in the production of your event.

2. Have a schedule:

If you think that planning ends the instant the event starts, I'm sorry but you're wrong! Planning needs to be present during and after the event. Therefore, it is vital to create a schedule with all the actions of the event. Include in your schedule: registration date, when tickets went on sale; schedule of attractions and feedback from participants. Don't limit yourself, include everything in your schedule.

3. Reliable suppliers:

The search for suppliers must be thorough and be present at all stages of your event, so look for good suppliers, companies capable of meeting your needs on time and with quality. In events, unforeseen events are common, so having reliable suppliers will help you a lot in these tense moments.

4. Collaborators:

An event is made up of people, whether they are event participants or collaborators who make all the magic happen. At this stage, it is essential to choose wisely every part of security, technology, support, concierges and presenters. Every team needs to be trained to help guests and speakers, and be prepared to act during any unforeseen situation, this includes the use of technology and organizing people in case of any unforeseen situation, among other situations.

5. Be bold!

Boldness and creativity are more than tips, they are rules for any successful event! Abuse your creativity, dare with new ideas, bet on technology to help you, and of course, focus on people! Hear where your event got it right and what areas can be improved by following these tips, you will have a successful plan.

Now, find out more about how we can contribute to events and stay on top with the best impressions from your guests!

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