Every Encounter is an Opportunity

Every Encounter is an Opportunity

Your best friend. A mentor. The barista at Starbucks -- They are all a part of your daily or weekly life, just with different roles. But there lies the mistake, all of these relationships should be treated as the same opportunity for growth.

The issue many of us have in our respective personal or business intent is that we look at the surface to what our ultimate goal is in each relationship. It’s time for a change. Let’s look at every encounter as an opportunity.

As a person in sales and advertising, I have a distinct approach to each business owner I meet with. The conversation involves crafting a unique plan with one intent: to in the end do one thing: solve a problem. While many of us probably approach our work appointments similarly, it’s time you looked at every ‘hello,’ outside of the 9 am to 5 pm hours in the same sense.

I’m a real-word example kind of guy, so take this story as a testament to what I’m writing about.

Three-months ago a mentor of mine and I started meeting every Friday after work for a Happy Hour type get-together. It slowly began evolving as we met more people at the restaurant, and other friends decided to join as well. Our table soon became filled with new friends and most importantly new relationships.

This group, which continues to be a staple of my week, has led to philanthropy donations, sales leads, and more importantly building a base of new contacts.

Rather than staying in a comfortable circle filled with only consistent friends, it was an opening to new people - seizing the opportunity of every introduction.

As you go forward in your weeks and weekends, my challenge is for you to build one new relationship each week. Take it for what its worth, and look at that interaction as an opportunity for both business and personal expansion in your life.

Let me know how it works for you!

Always feel free to comment on your thoughts below, or if you're interested in hearing how we can help your business grow, get in touch with Justin Lewis: jslewis@sbgtv.com or 501-324-7501.

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