Shhhh. Did You Hear That?

Shhhh. Did You Hear That?

We’ve all been there. You got the appointment with an important decision maker, and you’re jacked, can’t wait to tell him or her why you’re the best. What makes your company or product so great against anything else. However, you forget one crucial thing:


In just a short amount of time in sales, I’ve learned how vital listening is versus pitching. Take this instance for example.

I had been calling the same decision-making over-and-over for months only to get hit with the gatekeeper each and every time telling me he wasn’t available. Finally the moment came, I spoke with him. A meeting was set.

At this point I’m thrilled, this could be a huge account! Again, most times in this scenario, as sales people we start planning out how we’re going to tell them about what makes our product stand out. Why we’re better than “the other guys.” Instead, I did a little something in that meeting that set me apart moving forward: listened.

A few meetings later we came to an agreement and established a new advertiser. Months later, and during one of our follow meetings, I remembered something he had mentioned in our initial meeting. He talked about being involved in a particular seasonal event, something that was important to him and his company. A light bulb went off, and I immediately got the creative ball rolling.

I called the client to tell them I have something I think they would be interested in seeing, by this time I’ve earned their trust so they agreed to the appointment. We created a unique, creative, and exclusive program based upon a simple comment he made in our initial meeting.

The client loved the idea. Another sale was made.

Since then I’ve received numerous emails from this client and his board, thanking me for considering their company for the exclusive sponsorship.

This all sounds so simple because it truly is. The problem we face comes back to listening.

Rather than being consumed on what I was going to pitch this person, sitting back and actually listening to what he was looking for, although months-and-months down the road, led to the payoff.

Think about this in your next initial meeting. Get your point across about what sets you apart, but don’t make the meeting about your wants and needs. It’s about theirs!

Listening more instead of just blabbering about the product can not only lead to prosperous sales, but a customer relationship that’s setting you apart from “the other guys.”

It’s amazing what you can learn and earn if you just…..listen.

Always feel free to comment on your thoughts below, or if you're interested in hearing how we can help your business grow, get in touch with Justin Lewis: or 501-324-7501

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