Finally It Is Friday... Four Companies That Faced The Brink & Lived To Tell A Great Tale.

Finally It Is Friday... Four Companies That Faced The Brink & Lived To Tell A Great Tale.

In the new reality of working and co-teaching from home, I figured this Friday, I would turn the tables on my LinkedIn community and give you a… Pop Quiz!

Quiz Question: What do Disney, Starbucks, Apple, and Lego all have in common?

Correct Answer #1: They all have incredible brands and products that positively impact the way we live and how we go about enjoying our world.

Correct Answer #2: At one point throughout their incredible history, they were all on the brink of collapse.

Listed below are a few of their stories, the challenges they faced and some common themes on how they fought back to be the powerhouses that they are today.

Disney: Who would have thought that a princess, an evil Queen, and seven dwarfs would rescue Walt Disney and his studio… In 1938, with barely enough cash to finance studio operations, Disney released “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.” Leading up to the movie’s release Disney suffered multiple setbacks in the 1920’s and 1930’s, lost the rights to a popular character, and was an estimated $4 million in debt. ($71 million by today’s standards.) The release of Snow White saved the company from bankruptcy and bankrolled the building of Walt Disney Studios in California. Disney said this of the tough times, “You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you.”

Starbucks: When your firm is up against a wall, with only a few months of cash flow in reserve, in the midst of a recession, what do you do? Double down and re-train and motivate every frontline leader… As Starbucks Founder and Chairman Howard Schultz returned as CEO in 2008, he accepted responsibility, showed humility, temporarily closed thousands of stores in order to re-train employees and recreate the Starbucks culture. The training initiative cost Starbucks an estimated $30 million. When many argued that Starbucks didn’t have $30 million to spend, Schultz checked his ego at the door and replaced many of the policies that he had implemented from the beginning. His transformation of the company shows how humility and a fresh perspective are oftentimes more valuable than expertise and vision.

Apple: Who would have thought that “thinking differently” about how consumers wanted products to be intertwined with their lifestyle would save a company and eventually change the world… It’s easy to forget now that Apple was on the verge of bankruptcy. In the late 90’s, many were predicting the death of the company because it was losing $1 billion a year. Some reports state that in 1997, Apple had less than four weeks of operating cash in reserve. All that changed when founder Steve Jobs returned, with the mission of revamping Apple’s image for a new generation of tech lovers who were looking for a deeper connection with a brand. Apple’s legendary ad campaign “Think Different” created that connection. The launch of revolutionary products like the iMac, iPod, iTunes quickly followed. Jobs and the campaign challenged customers to see Apple as a lifestyle choice which enhanced their individuality.

Lego: Who would have thought that a small Danish wooden toy company would survive three different factory fires, the arrival of video games, the explosion of battery-operated toys, the birth of the internet and their simple toy product would still wind up on top… In 2007 the Danish company’s foundation was crumbling. Lego was selling some products at a loss, suffered failed toy launches, and was not impressing their demanding multi-generational fan base. What did they do? They streamlined operations, recruited top designers who had an emotional attachment to the product and brand, signed licensing agreements with established winners (Star Wars and Harry Potter), and went into the content biz by creating incredible movies and short form series. In 2017, three years after becoming the world’s largest toy company, Legos are so hot they are struggling to keep up with consumer demand.

I figured I would share this today because it is important to not only root for the underdog but to share the stories of those who have been on the “brink” before to come back stronger than ever. For other notable stories of other great companies that were on the “brink” check out the extra credit and appendix section below.

Have a Great Friday and wonderful weekend. Be well everyone!  - Ken Stellon

Extra Credit: Other Notable Companies on the “Brink”- Tesla, Delta Airlines, IBM, Marvel, Netflix, KFC, Nintendo, GoDaddy, Chipotle

Extra Credit: The Corp, Great Podcast from The Corp, Barstool Sports. Minute 48 Specifically About “The Brink.”

Extra Credit: Documentary: Walt - The Man Behind The Myth. One of the best documentaries out there on WD.

Daniel Park

Managing Partner at The Manna Agency | Referral Only Creative Agency | Strategy | Collaboration | Speed to Market | Web-SEO | Events


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