Glasshoughton Infant Academy achieves the Inclusive School Award

Glasshoughton Infant Academy achieves the Inclusive School Award

A Supportive and Happy Environment

From the moment the school day starts at Glasshoughton Infant Academy the children and their families experience a welcoming, warm, supportive and happy environment. The school motto of ‘Everyone deserves the best, everyone deserves respect’ drives the ethos and culture of the school. Glasshoughton Infant Academy is an inspiring school, where the common purpose shared by staff and Governors to do their very best for every child shines through in all aspects of school life.    

Sources of Evidence

Questions generated from the document review were included in discussions on the assessment visit with the Primary Director of Education for the Castleford Multi-Academy Trust, the school’s senior leadership team, curriculum co-ordinators for Religious Education and English, four parents, four Governors, the school Business Manager, the full school council and two special needs assistants. I also met other children, staff and families as I viewed the morning arrival of children, joined an assembly, observed an outdoor lesson in the copse being delivered by ‘The Green Moon’, ate my lunch in the dining hall with the children, observed lunchtime play and performed a whole school learning walk including drop-in observations of five lessons. The Deputy Head who is also the special educational needs coordinator (SENCO), inclusion lead and IQM coordinator was exceptionally accommodating throughout the assessment process.

School Context

The school is part of the Castleford Multi-Academy Trust (CMAT) which also comprises of a Primary, a Junior and a Secondary School. The predecessor school was inspected in 2009 and graded outstanding in all areas. Currently there are 180 full-time pupils aged between 4 and 7 years old and a 67 place morning and afternoon nursery. The majority of pupils are from White British, non-faith backgrounds with very few pupils who speak English as an additional language. The percentage of children from ethnic minority groups is an increasing trend, mainly from the White Polish and Eastern European communities. The proportion of current pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities at school support is just below national average (8% in school). The proportion of pupils with a statement of special educational needs or an education, health and care plan is in line with the national average (1.7%).

Children Feel Safe

Children feel safe at school and effective safeguarding processes are in place. The vast majority of children are excited to attend school as they demonstrated by clapping in assembly when the Headteacher asked them to do so if they were happy that it was Monday. Attendance is rigorously monitored and timely actions are taken to support families and children in achieving the schools’ target of 96%. In 2017/18 absence was lower than national (4.2%) at 4% and persistent absence was more than fifty percent lower than national (8.7%) at 4.1%. All staff model school expectations and develop good relationships with children and their families.

High Aspirations for All

The Headteacher, together with the CMAT and Governors, has fostered the growth of a team of talented and dedicated leaders at all levels, that share the Headteacher’s clear vision and drive for the continual improvement of pupils’ outcomes. Leaders’ aspirations for pupils’ academic success are matched by their determination to develop pupils’ emotional and social skills. Those pupils who are more vulnerable or need extra help receive excellent support from a caring and nurturing staff team. As a result, barriers to learning are reduced and all pupils leave Glasshoughton Infant Academy ready for their next stage.

Find out more about the IQM Inclusive School Award

If your school is interested in obtaining the IQM Inclusive School Award or you wish to talk to a member of the IQM team, please feel free to telephone: 028 7127 7857 (9.00 am to 5.00 pm) or email: for further details.

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