I have been looking for a unifying topic for all my information and what I came up with is Prosperous Living – A Holistic Path to Health, Wealth, and Happiness. In this episode, I ask you to define what prosperous living means to you.
- I’d like to suggest that you think about what prosperous living means to you.
- In a previous episode, I had talked about making the decisions about what intentions you would like to make for the new year and actions you will take to move forward.
- Making too many changes at once impedes progress.
- Making any kind of change in your life can stimulate the moving stupids, which is a feeling of disorientation that you get when you try new things because your brain gets confused.
- It can take a few months to get comfortable with something new.
- If you make small changes over a period of time, your life will move in a positive direction.
- Start making changes with things that are inconsequential, like cleaning off your desk or a corner of a room.
- You have to find what works for you.
- Something that you really want or would like to create, without buying anything, ask yourself what having that or doing that would require. Look at it carefully.
- When asking the question, “who do I want to be” or “what do I want to do”, understand that your age makes a difference.
- You have to discover what makes you happy and what your definition of happy is.
- If you sit quietly with yourself or meditate every day, you will be more satisfied and more in touch with yourself.