Why us?
Missaglia(Lecco-Italy 03.05.2024)
competition: the activity or condition of striving to gain or win something by defeating or establishing superiority over others (from Oxford Languages)
The importance of having competitors pushes to work harder, set goals and give our best to reach the final goal.
At the same time or education will be enriched, allowing us to acquire knowledge and achieve better personal, life, professional performance.
What do You need? A warp beam truck that loads 6000 kg in a narrow space?
We will never give You a "no", we will tell You "we will do our best to study & project a warp beam truck safe to load the kg you need in the most compact possible design".
We will present You the drawing, the design, the simulation and build together a project.
This device, made in Deutschland is a small display.
Just a little screen that tells the worker what is happening in/on the truck. Helping to solve all the problems that may happen. With just a phone call we are able to guide you to repair the truck.
Production efficiency is one of the fundamental parameters of competitiveness for a manufacturing company, Your warp beam truck has to work. Always.
Lorenzo Beretta
If You are curious, please feel free to contact me: lorenzoberetta@ferber.it