International Award for Literature and Visual Arts

Registration is open to the thirty-sixth edition of the historic “Premio Firenze” for Literature and Visual Arts organized by the Centro Culturale Firenze-Europa “Mario Conti".

The Award is aimed at Italian and foreign artists.

Visual Arts (free theme): sections and prizes



G) GRAPHICS - traditional and digital

FV) PHOTOGRAPHY (digital and analogue) and VIDEO

The first three classified in each section will be awarded respectively with "Fiorino d'oro", "Fiorino d'argento" and "Medaglia di bronzo". The works will be exhibited in the Salone dei Cinquecento in Palazzo Vecchio during the Award Ceremony.

The first classified works will also be assigned purchase prizes.

Two of these works will be entrusted, for an agreed period, to the Galleries "Simultanea Spazi d' Arte" and "Fornaciai Art Gallery" of Florence.

For the other selected artists there are two collective exhibitions in Florence in historic spaces.

All the works in competition will be included in the virtual exhibition on web and in the catalog of the XXXVI edition of the Florence Prize.

Firenze Young Award

The "Firenze Young Award" is reserved for under '30 competitors.

The winner will be awarded "Fiorino d'oro", exhibition in Palazzo Vecchio on the day of the ceremony and a web page containing a maximum of 10 works by the author.

Special prizes 2018

Two Special Prizes will be awarded, "Fiorino d'oro" and exhibition in Palazzo Vecchio on the day

of the ceremony, for two works related to the themes:

- "Water, source of life" - a resource not to be wasted

- "Traveling by car in the villages of Tuscany" - a choice of freedom

Participation deadline: OCTOBER 8- 2018

Ceremony: December 1- 2018 - 4.30 pm Palazzo Vecchio, Salone dei Cinquecento - Florence

Participation requireds: the submission of two photographs of the art work (print in 13x18 cm, with indication on the back of the name-surname / title / technique / size), the completed form, the crediting of 90 euro (100 for sending from abroad / 50 for young artists).

For more information see the full announcement on the website:



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