Our vision for a fossil-free future

National Grid’s vision is to fully eliminate fossil fuels from our US gas and electric systems, enabling the customers and communities we serve to meet their heating needs without using fossil fuels by 2050, if not sooner.

Fossil Free

Our vision for fossil-free heat

Video: Our vision for fossil-free heat

Our vision for fossil-free heat addresses climate change while ensuring affordable, reliable service to all our customers. Watch this video to learn more about how we plan to make our vision of a clean energy future a reality.

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Technology and innovation in a fossil-free future

The Clean Energy Revolution podcast explores our energy systems as we move towards a net zero world. In this particular episode, Max La Manna takes a look at how utilising technology and innovation will help contribute towards a fossil-free future.


Supporter quotes

We commend National Grid for their commitment to eliminating the use of fossil fuels, thereby protecting the environment and providing affordable, reliable heating of our homes and businesses while further contributing to the growth of our clean energy economy.
– Matt Cohen, President and CEO, Long Island Association

More supporter quotes from Massachusetts

Business and Civic
A menu of solutions is needed to tackle the difficult challenge of decarbonizing heat. We support utilizing the existing infrastructure that fuels the Commonwealth’s economy, and are eager to partner on actionable, practical solutions like this that will get us to net zero at the most affordable cost for our residents and businesses.
— Bob Rio, Senior Vice President, and Counsel, Government Affairs, Associated Industries of Massachusetts
Utilizing our existing gas networks to decarbonize will allow all of the Commonwealth’s businesses and residents, who have already paid for this infrastructure, to participate in a clean energy future. National Grid’s plan is a practical approach that gives Massachusetts customers choice in their heating options to reach net zero.
— Rick Sullivan, President & CEO, Western Mass Economic Development Council
Our members have been helping reduce methane emissions for years, and we’re eager to take this next step toward a potential fossil-free future in the fight against climate change. We are partnering with National Grid to focus on workforce development and training, in order to ensure that thousands of skilled workers are not left behind during any developing clean energy transition
— Steve Finnigan, United Steelworkers District 4 Sub District Director.
National Grid’s fossil-free plan to deeply decarbonize while maintaining the existing heating network is the sort of comprehensive approach that will allow the state to meet their goals while utilizing our highly trained and skilled workforce. An all-the-above approach is needed to address the climate crisis in a fair and equitable way that does not leave behind those who can least afford the transition but need it the most.
— Harry Brett, Special Representative with the United Association of Union Plumbers, Fitters, Welders and Service Techs

More supporter quotes from New York

The carbon-free utility of the future will require a blend of technologies to provide clean, affordable and reliable energy. National Grid has a vision that leverages the existing infrastructure to keep costs down and integrates new and exciting solutions like renewable natural gas and green hydrogen to meet decarbonization targets.
— Naomi L. Boness, Ph. D., Managing Director, Stanford Natural Gas Initiative
National Grid’s Fossil Free Plan is a critical step forward in the effort to fully transition the U.S. economy off fossil fuels that reflects both the magnitude and urgency of the dangers posed by catastrophic climate change. National Grid’s plan, with its diverse combination of electrification, hybridization, and RNG development, will enhance system reliability while simultaneously reducing the economy’s emissions of the destructive greenhouse gas methane.
— Tristan Brown, Associate Professor, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
Consistent with the evolution of green hydrogen and renewable methane strategies, the "hybrid approach" that National Grid outlines in their strategy to achieve a fossil free future by 2050 includes these sources of decarbonized energy systems. Specifically, National Grid considers two key factors, reliability and affordability, for incorporation in the existing infrastructure and it would allow a smooth transition during deployment. Furthermore, the National Grid study’s various assumptions for analysis are sound to achieve net-zero targets.
— Dr. Devinder Mahajan, Professor and Graduate Program Director, Stony Brook University
Business and Civic
The Buffalo Niagara Partnership applauds National Grid’s commitment to eliminate fossil fuels from its gas and electric systems while ensuring energy remains affordable and reliable. National Grid has been instrumental in helping shape economic development efforts in Buffalo Niagara.  As a result, the company acutely understands the balance that must be struck between taking real action to reduce emissions and the necessity of making sure Buffalo Niagara’s economy can be powered affordably and reliably.  The BNP looks forward to working together with National Grid as it steps into this new chapter of its operations for the betterment of our community.
— Dottie Gallagher, President and CEO, Buffalo Niagra Partnership
The challenges posed by climate change also present significant economic development opportunities. We commend National Grid for their commitment to eliminating the use of fossil fuels, thereby protecting the environment and providing affordable, reliable heating of our homes and businesses while further contributing to the growth of our clean energy economy.
— Matt Cohen, President and CEO, Long Island Association
A well-thought-out move to a clean energy economy is not only vital to Central New York, it will create significant opportunities for our region which is well-positioned to benefit from the investments necessary for an effective transition. These investments must also be balanced with the needs of businesses and industry which desire predictability, certainty, redundancy and resiliency in their energy supply. We can, and must, do both. National Grid’s leadership in the clean energy transition, as reflected in today’s announcement, is what we have come to expect from a partner fully committed to Central New York’s success.
— Robert M. Simpson, President and CEO, CenterState CEO
We applaud and support National Grid’s initiative. This commitment illustrates how crucial it is for business to be engaged in advancing New York’s carbon reduction goals, and to help assure that our strategy moving forward is both technically and economically achievable.
— Ken Pokalsky, Vice President, Business Council of New York State
The business community supports the steps that National Grid is taking to eliminate fossil fuels in a sustainable way that ensures affordable and reliable energy for all New Yorkers.
— Kathryn Wylde, President and CEO, Partnership for New York City
Fossil-free is the way of the future, and our largest providers not only recognizing that, but leading the way by example — as National Grid is doing today — is the key to turning the corner to widespread acceptance of this indisputable fact. The New York Building Congress applauds National Grid, and hopes other energy providers not only follow suit, but continue to do the research that has brought us to the point where such an idea is even possible, and perhaps discover new ways to make our future brighter and cleaner.
— Carlo A. Scissura, President and CEO, New York Building Congress
Climate change is an existential threat we must meet. We strongly believe that the right path to our clean energy future must include all New Yorkers, even those with less ability to afford major new investments in their homes and businesses. National Grid’s plan for a fossil-free future addresses the risks posed by climate change while ensuring communities across New York have access to affordable electric and heating service that they can depend on, even in bad weather. This is a clear-eyed, realistic plan for achieving and exceeding New York’s important clean energy goals without leaving anyone behind.
— Melva M. Miller, CEO, Association for a Better New York
The real estate community is committed to continuing to decarbonize the building sector and ensure that New York achieves its climate goals while supporting New York’s economy,” said James Whelan, President of REBNY. “National Grid’s vision to realize zero emission electricity and gas is a practical path to a clean energy future that will help realize our shared goals.
— James Whelan, President, Real Estate Board of New York
Very happy to see National Grid commit to decarbonizing its gas network to help meet NYS clean energy goals. As changes are made to our energy grid it is important to be able to have affordable and independent heating options that serve middle- and working-class communities as well as green our environment.
— Eric Alexander, Director, Vision Long Island
National Grid's plan to eliminate fossil fuels from its system is as pragmatic as it is visionary. Setting the goal of being net-zero by 2050 was an important first step, and, with its new fossil-free plan, National Grid is reinforcing its commitment to achieve deep emissions reductions and deliver clean energy to customers reliably and affordably. In addition to utilizing cleaner energy sources, this plan recognizes that energy efficiency is a powerful and cost-effective tool that reduces emissions while saving customers money.
— Tom Kuhn, President, Edison Electric Institute
National Grid's bold plan to eliminate fossil fuels from its gas and electric systems underscores their deep commitment to tackling climate change while ensuring homes and businesses throughout New York have access to safe, affordable, and dependable heat and electricity. The Queens Chamber of Commerce is proud to partner with National Grid to grow the clean energy economy and help our businesses become more energy efficient. Thanks to their support and vision, Queens is leading the way in the fight against climate change.
— Tom Grech, President and CEO, Queen's Chamber of Commerce
National Grid's proactive plan to decarbonize our natural gas network will help our region reduce its carbon footprint while recognizing Long Island's long term need to access this vital form of fuel. It is important to acknowledge that for the foreseeable future it will continue to power our robust manufacturing industry, heat countless homes and be used for recreation as tens of thousands of Long Island backyard barbeques are prepared for a season of outdoor grilling.
— Kyle Strober, Executive Director, Association for A Better Long Island
While our energy policy has all too often been scattershot and overly optimistic, it's only through the deliberate effort by our energy providers that real carbon reduction through conversion and bridge fuels that those goals are realized. I commend National Grid for taking a lead in the region in trying to balance our energy goals with affordability.
— Hon. Joseph C. Borelli, Minority Leader, New York City Council
As Chairman of the Assembly Energy Committee, I am excited by today's announcement that National Grid will be eliminating fossil fuels from their electric and gas systems by 2050. In order to achieve our state climate and energy goals there must be a commitment not only from the legislature but from the energy industry to transition our energy grid away from polluting fossil fuels. In today's announcement, National Grid demonstrated that commitment and their plans to eliminate fossil fuels is a tremendous step in our continued efforts to transform our energy sector.
— Hon. Michael Cusick, Chairman, New York State Assembly Committee
The Town of Hempstead welcomes National Grid's fossil-free transition plan and is eager to continue collaborating with our utility provider partners to achieve emission-free gas and electric systems," said Hempstead Town Supervisor Don Clavin. National Grid's plan to heat homes with renewable resources aligns with Hempstead Town's commitment to carbon-free communities, highlighted by our 'Vision 2040' program which seeks to convert the township's entire fleet of vehicles to clean energy models by the year 2040. The shared mission of the Town of Hempstead and National Grid to safeguard our environment by reducing emission output demonstrates our mutual vision of an even more green, carbon-free township.
— Don Clavin, Supervisor, Town of Hempstead
National Grid is leading New York’s clean energy transition with a bold vision that will safely and reliably power our communities while combatting climate change, TWU Local 101 supports their pathway to a fossil-free future that addresses the threat of climate change in a practical way. The National Grid vision protects good union jobs, creating new opportunities for the future of energy and paving the way to long-term economic growth
— Constance Bradley, President, TWU Local 101
As a lifelong New Yorker representing almost 2000 natural gas utility workers across Long Island as well as another 8000 across the State, a reliable and affordable energy policy is priority one!  We need a PLAN not a BAN. To achieve this, IBEW Local 1049 is proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with our business partners at National Grid in development of the clean energy vision for New York.  We are excited to work on a plan that will achieve emission reductions to meet climate action goals and the CLCPA.
— Pat Guidice, Business Manager, IBEW Local 1049
IBEW Local 97 is proud to support National Grid’s vision to fight climate change,” said Theodore J. Skerpon, President of IBEW Local 97.  National Grid’s path is a better way to tackle the threat of climate change that protects the jobs of hardworking New Yorkers and ensures affordable, reliable heat for everyone. Importantly, the plan also includes much-needed workforce development programs that will make sure New Yorkers have the access to good jobs in clean energy now and going forward.
— Theodore J. Skerpon, President, IBEW Local 97
National Grid is a leader in the emergence of hydrogen technology...Hydrogen will be the driver for stimulating the economic base of Long Island. It is a job creator, and the hydrogen industry represents a real just transition for workers who currently make their living in the fossil fuel industry. The economic growth potential of the hydrogen industry is tremendous, and I would like to applaud National Grid for being on the cutting edge of energy sustainability.
— Matthew Ararich, President, Building and Construction Trades Council of Nassau and Suffolk Counties

Mobilizing to help our customers to reach net zero

Reducing emissions from the buildings sector is one of the most important and challenging problems that must be solved to achieve net zero. Heat is essential to life and keeping it affordable and reliable is critical for economic development and wellbeing.

Our vision proposes a hybrid approach that enables customers to have more affordable and practical choices to become fossil-free. 

Our plan for a fossil-free future rests on four pillars:

  • Energy efficiency in buildings

  • 100% fossil-free gas network

  • Hybrid electric-gas heating systems

  • Targeted electrification and networked geothermal

See how it comes together

Renewable natural gas

Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) interconnections

We're positioning the Gas Distribution network in the Northeast to be Fossil free by 2050. RNG Interconnections are the starting point for the transition from natural gas to a renewable gas network. You can learn more about RNG and our distribution system or start your application to be an RNG generator here.

Find out more about RNG

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