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About this mod

Rebalances feats to be more equal in power. Includes optional ASI version.

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Rebalance Series
Attempt to rebalance all spells and cantrips to be more even in power.

Essential Series
Attempt to add missing pieces to the game.

The goal of this mod is to improve Vanilla Feats that are rarely chosen, because they can't compete against other feats or are simply not worth the investment. Feats like Tavern Brawler, Great Weapon Master or Sharp Shooter are a bit over the top and will not be the baseline that these feats try to reach. As such they will focus on being competitive choices among the remaining feats.

If your goal is to have feats that can compete with Tavern Brawler and other S+ tier feats try out my Rebalance - Nerfs mod. It aims to ever so slightly reduce the power of things that are a bit 'whack'.

I highly recommend to use a mod that gives access to more feats. Whether that is an extra feat at level 2, a feat every x levels or something else entirely. In addition you should use a difficulty increasing mod, unless you find the difficulty sufficient. Feats add a lot of power, so it may be necessary.

As example, I play with a feat every 2 levels and use +100% on tactician/honour mode. However I can't tell you how to play the game, you need to decide that for yourself.

I also highly recommend you use Rebalance - Nerfs - it brings the most broken feats down a notch (they still scale up to be really good). It mostly just means that feats like Great Weapon Master or Tavern Brawler aren't automatically your first picks. They are still strong enough that you will want them over other feats at some point in your build, but you won't feel like you are forced to take them first anymore.

Also it is nice if you don't fall into the cliché of the typical user that only wants buffs. (Check the downloads of the Nerfs mod and you'll see what I mean).

ASI Version
You will find an optional file in the download section. It gives every feat +1 ASI (ability score improvement) - allowing you to improve one of the six ability scores by +1, essentially turning every feat into a "half feat". It requires the main mod and has to be loaded after it.

How this change is applied is as follows:
If a feat already gave you a limited ability score improvement, (e.g. Lightly Armored offering STR or DEX) it will now let you choose any ability, instead of the limited selection. If a feat gave no ability increase at all, it will now give +1. The optional file covers all vanilla feats, even those that aren't changed by the main mod. Special mention: Resilient - you can now choose the ability you increase and the ability to get saving throw proficiency in seperately.

Please note that tooltips are not updated to reflect this (except for resilient).

I'll not be making additional versions.


Archery Expert (formerly Crossbow Expert)

  • Increases dexterity by 1
  • Hand Crossbows don't suffer from disadvantage in melee range (similar to the original feat)
  • Light and Heavy Crossbows grant you two new abilities - 'Bonus Shot' and 'Repelling Shot'
  • Short- and Longbows grant you a toggleable passive - 'Richochet Shot' - allowing your arrows to richochet to 2 additional targets, but halving all damage they deal (including damage riders)
  • You need to be proficient with the weapon in order to gain the benefit
Notes: Hand Crossbows are already very powerful, so I didn't think it was a good idea to make them even better. The feat is definitely good for them and the
+1 DEX helps justify it over others.


  • Increase strength or dexterity by 1
  • 'Charger: Weapon Attack' now only cost an action
  • It also deals 1d4 - 3d4 Force damage based on level (and no longer adds a flat 5 damage)
  • 'Charger: Shove' now only costs a bonus action
  • Both can only be used once per turn
Notes: The once per turn cooldown is necessary or you could charge around as often as you can attack and adding 1-3d4 to every attack would be way too much.


  • In addition to the normal effects you regain hit points when you are below 75% hit points in combat
  • Hit points restored is 1 + your constitution modifier, increased to 1d4 + your constitution modifer at level 5


Dungeon Delver

  • Now actually has an effect
  • Gives you advantage on perception checks and dexterity saving throws outside of combat
  • Also grants you proficiency in dexterity saving throws
  • And finally, increases dexterity by 1

Mage Slayer

  • In addition to the normal effects, now you add half your proficiency bonus to your saving throws against spells, no matter the distance to the caster
  • Allows you to choose an ability score improvement
  • The reaction against casters now has increased range if you are using a reach weapon


Magic Initiates (all)

  • The chosen level 1 spell is now on a short rest cooldown instead of long rest
  • The cantrips and spell use your spellcasting ability instead of being based on the feat
  • Additionally the associated ability is set to a minimum of 13
Notes: For example, if you choose Magic Initiate: Cleric as a Sorcerer, the cantrips and spell use Charisma as casting ability and your Wisdom is set to 13, unless it already is higher.

Medium Armor Master

  • Increases your initiative by 1
  • Medium Armor causes you to take 1 less damage from all sources in addition to the normal effects
  • And you can choose to increase strength or dexterity by 1


  • In addition to the normal effects now grants an extra attack when you use an action to dash
  • Increases dexterity by 1


  • Now grants proficiency in performance (duh)
  • At the start of combat you play 1 of 4 songs at random with various effects

Polearm Master

  • Now works with Tridents
  • Tooltips now mention Pikes specifically (it always worked with them)
  • Fixed bug that activated the reaction when you entered the attack range of enemies
  • Fixed enemies not stopping what they are doing when they get stopped by sentinel in combination with polearm master
  • If you are using Polearm Master Sentinel Fixes you can probably stop using it as my mod does almost the same thing
  • Same for Polearm Master Feat with Tridents

Ritual Caster
As you can see from the right icon, Larian intended to implement ritual scroll learning for this feat, but did not end up doing so. The most important ritual spells can be accessed via hirelings or companions freely outside of combat and longstrider can be applied and then the companion dismissed. Some spells such as speak with dead or speak with animals can also be gained via items or consumables. As such the value of this feat as it is, is practically zero.

  • Grants access to every ritual (except 'Silence')
  • Also grants access to 'Guidance', 'Light' and 'Resistance'
  • Allows you to set an ability to 13 - has no effect if it is already higher
Notes: I know it looks like this does a lot, well because it does. But to use a valuable feat to just get a lot of things that are easily available otherwise and mostly useful outside of combat, it needs to be a "full service, be happy" feat. If you are picking this then you have a weird party composition or just can't be bothered to mess with hirelings or swapping around items - and thats fine. Thats what it is there for.

Shield Master

  • In addition to the normal effects, grants access to Shield Bash with any shield
  • Shield Bash deals 1d4 Force damage with this feat
  • Shield Bash can now also be used against enemies that enter your attack range, possibly knocking them prone and ending their turn early
  • If you are using Viconia's Walking Fortress it will upgrade from 2d4 to 3d4 Force damage
  • In addition, you may increase your strength or constitution by +1
  • Fixes the bug of Shield Bash not working properly in this patch
  • Fixes all the wrong and misspelled tooltips for various shield bashes
New Icon:

Weapon Master

  • Now grants both +1 to strength and dexterity in addition to being able to choose 4 weapon proficiencies
Notes: The reason behind this is, that classes that would benefit greatly from both strength and dexterity probably don't need the weapon proficiencies, making this more of a worse ASI for them. This is mainly for non-martial classes that want to get a leg into using weapons, e.g. Clerics or Druids.

If you are using the ASI version of the mod, please note that weapon master allows you to spend two ability points, but you cannot put them in the same ability. This is intended.

Minor Changes

  • Alert - Grants proficiency in perception
  • Defensive Duelist - Increases dexterity by 1
  • Dualwielder - Allows you to choose an ability score improvement
  • Elemental Adept - Allows you to increase INT, WIS or CHA by 1
  • Heavily Armored - Can increase any ability by 1
  • Heavy Armor Master - Can increase STR or CON
  • Lightly Armored - Increases constitution by 1
  • Martial Adept - Grants 2 superiority dice, unless you are a battlemaster, then it grants only 1
  • Skilled - Allows you to choose an ability to set to a minimum of 13
  • Spell Sniper - Also increases range of spells by 3m (this is not visible in the tooltip) - melee spells get half, so they have 3m range (reach weapon range)
  • Tough - Reduces damage taken by 2 from all sources
  • Actor, Durable, Heavily Armored, Heavy Armor Master and Performer now all use ASI for the ability gained and not an ability boost - the difference is that an ASI stacks properly with ability increases past 20 (e.g. you get +1 Strength from Hag Hair while at 19 Strength from ASI and +1 from Heavy Armor Master - you would expect to be at 21, but you ended up at 20, because Heavy Armor Master's cap at 20 prevent it from stacking properly with other increases)
  • Several tooltip/icon changes and fixes (all feats where you select a passive now have custom descriptions for them)
  • Vanilla Shield Bash bug fix

Affected NPCs
NPCs and items can be affected by the feat changes, since they sometimes have these feats.

Common Questions
If you ask these questions in the comments I'll not be answering them. You have the ability to write, so you have the ability to read as well. And hopefully the ability to think one step further than just my explanations.

5e Spells: There should be no conflicts since it only adds spells and doesn't edit vanilla ones.

In general:
The main reason for compatibility issues is two mods editing the same thing. Depending on the exact thing this can be very broad or narrow. You don't have to be a modder or understand these terms, just know there is different kinds of ways the game stores information:

  • Root template: Has to be entirely overwritten to be changed, so two mods changing different things still aren't compatible
  • Stats entry: Can be inherited, merged, changed, if the same thing is changed it'll overwrite, otherwise changes merge (unless the entry is entirely overwritten which a lot of novice modders do)
  • Progressions/list entry: Like root templates, but compatibility framework allows merging changes for proper compatibility

Load Order
Should not matter - if you use mods that edit the same spells there might be conflicts.

In general:
  • The mod loaded later/further down the list overwrites
  • Example: Mod A (loaded first) changes the field 'AmountOfTargets' on Firebolt to 2 and Mod B (loaded later) has it set to 1 then Firebolt will only hit 1 target
  • If the mods change different fields and use self-inheritance (recommended) then the changes merge - which can be desired or not
  • Example: Mod A (loaded first) changes the field 'AmountOfTargets' on Firebolt to 2 and Mod B (loaded later) changes Firebolt to deal 1d12 damage - if the mods use self-inheritance, you now get a Firebolt that hits 2 targes for 1d12

I appreciate constructive feedback. If you think something is too strong or weak or could be done better you are welcome to comment. Note that I may have a reason (design-wise or functionality wise) why something is the way it is. Also please be aware that maybe your +300% health playthrough with 17 custom classes/races and 15 turn combats of running away and letting enemies rot from damage over time is maybe not the average player experience.

Please try to provide feedback as 'user story'. Tell me what happened, the circumstances, what fight, what difficulty etc. - otherwise its fairly hard for me to judge whether something I designed is problematic in general or just in specific scenarios. That information is very important for me to understand the nature of the issue.

As example: "Your rebalanced blight is way too strong!" is not nearly as helpful as "Blight carried my fight against X entirely by itself, because I lured the enemy out of the room, they clumped up and every hit dealt 3-5 damage to 8+ enemies" - even though the second is still just a single sentence.

Work involved
Rebalance - Feats took around 30h to make. This is despite me being fairly experienced and efficient. You can multiply this time by x5 to x10 for a novice.
Often I get questions like "Can you make a version without X?" - I can, but I will not. There is a few things about BG3 mods one might not think about right away. The work involved is high and modders usually make a mod for themselves with the courtesy to make it available to others and maybe spend extra hours to maximize compatibility and make it more broadly appealing.

An additional version means probably at least 1h or 2h of making that alternate version and uploading it, and then several hours maintaining that version, as now every change made to the original mod has the be copied over to that version. Every upload takes twice the effort (packing two files, updating version, updating description, updating changelog, ensuring you are overwriting the correct file etc.).

There is a lot of unfortunately quite popular mods on nexus that are the lowest effort stat overwrites that don't care about any of: Compatibility, fixing tooltips, adding new mechanics, designing well, making anything new or properly testing - they just slap existing passives on something that already exists. Updates aren't required or don't happen. Of course they can have 10 versions of that mod, because it took them almost longer to upload that version than make it and they aren't going to maintain it.

So before you ask "Can you make a seperate version" ask yourself - what are you asking exactly? A stranger to spend multiple hours of their time for free to make a version that barely appeals to a fraction of people over the original mod and even less people that didn't download the original but would download the other version (= minimal gain in quality and popularity).

More importantly, you are asking the person to take that time away from making a new mod, something that far more people would enjoy far more (probably even you).

Now lets talk money for a second. Depending on how passionate a modder is about your request they might make it for free (since they would have done it themselves anyway) or ask a reasonable price of say 40€ (=44$) an hour. Now look at the highlighted numbers again and do the math. An alternate version is most definitely not the former (something the modder is passionate about) or it would exist already. Are you willing to pay that? A fraction of it?

That is all to say, I still appreciate constructive feedback. Many good changes and additions have come from comments. All I want is for people to stop and think for a moment what they are asking.

Syrchalis' Druid Mod Collection

Check out my other mods.

And also my armors:
