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About this mod

Rebalances rarely used level 5 spells to be more useful. Does not diminish spells that are already good.

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Rebalance Series
Attempt to rebalance all spells and cantrips to be more even in power.

Essential Series
Attempt to add missing pieces to the game.

The goal of this mod is to improve Level 5 Spells that are rarely or never used and make them viable and potentially even competitive choices among the better spells of this rank. Spells that are considered top tier for the spell level will not be nerfed to accomplish this.

Even though I try to keep it balanced, the general power level increases to an extent. Some classes that have a very poor selection of spells will suddenly have a lot of useful spells and that indirectly increases their power, even if these spells aren't more powerful than other spells of the same level. As such you may want to use mods that increase the difficulty.



General Changes
As usual, concentration requirements have been removed and additional adjustments were made. This time some ritual costs were also added.

  • Banishing Smite - Now allows you to cast "Cancel Banishment" on targets that you banished
  • Dominate Person - Now allows you to cast "Cancel Domination" on targets that you dominated - can only dominate 1 target but you gain full control
  • Planar Binding - Now allows you to cast "Cancel Binding" on targets that you bound - can only bind 1 target but you gain full control
  • Greater Restoration - Now has a ritual cost
  • Seeming - Now has a ritual cost

Let me know if the ritual casting for the latter two spells is an issue.

New Icons:

Flame Strike

  • Now sets enemies on fire, undead and fiends are afflicted by holy fire
  • Allows casting Flame Strike Remembrance and finally Flame Strike Echo as follow-up spells in the following rounds as bonus action
  • These spells deal lower damage, don't set targets on fire and have a smaller radius (Echo is single target)

Some might ask why any changes to Flame Strike are made. Simply because in many situations its a worse Fireball. An upcasted Fireball does the same damage and has a larger area.

Dispell Evil and Good

  • Break enchantment can now be cast as bonus action and a range of 18m
  • A break enchantment reaction has been added (untested)
  • Dismissal can banish appropiate targets and deal a medium amount of force damage (CHA save)
  • Allows you to cast Protection from Evil and Good on allies as bonus action, lasting 5 turns

Wall of Stone

  • Spell Level lowered from 5 to 3
  • Wall health lowered from 30 to 20
  • Wall health scales by 10 health per spell level
  • Circle of the Land druids now gain Wall of Stone from Coast and Desert at Level 5
  • At Level 9 Desert and Mountain have received Flame Strike and Telekinesis as replacements
  • Nature Domain Clerics learn Wall of Stone as third domain spell at Level 5
  • At Level 9 Wall of Stone has been replaced by Summon Elemental
  • Sorcerer, Wizard and Lore Bard (via magical secrets) can now get Wall of Stone earlier as well

Note: Due to how Compatibility Framework adds spells Wall of Stone will be at the start of the list for Sorcerer/Wizard and not be neatly grouped with level 3 spells.

Mass Cure Wounds

  • Now additionally heals for 1d8 + Spellcasting Modifier over 3 turns
  • Upcast restores more health and lasts an extra turn


Okay, buckle up, this will be a bit complicated.

  • Diseases merged from 6 to 3
  • Blinding Sickness + Mindfire = Blinding Mindfire
  • Filth Fever + Flesh Rot = Rot Fever
  • Slimy Doom + Seizure = Slimy Seizure
  • Their effects have been combined and altered slightly
  • Rot Fever does not grant vulnerability to all damage anymore, instead it causes the target to take 50% of damage taken as extra necrotic damage
  • Slimy Seizure grants immunity to being stunned by its effect for 1 turn after a creature was stunned by it
General Changes to how Contagion works:

  • Changed from a 1.5m attack roll to a 18m CON save
  • On failure the target is immediately afflicted by the disease
  • On success the target is instead afflicted by stage one of the pre-disease poison
  • Disease progress is checked at the start of the targets turn and at the end of the round, doubling the speed of it
When a target has the disease:

  • Targets roll a CON save every turn
  • On failure they spread the disease in a 5m radius (CON save with the same outcomes as the spell) and take 2d4 necrotic damage
  • On success they start gaining immunity to the disease
  • On 3 success they are fully immune to the disease for the rest of the game
  • Targets gain immunity for each disease seperately
  • On death the target also spreads the disease in a 5m radius once
  • Disease spreads only to enemies, constructs are immune

Immunity Icons:

To get good value out of Contagion you might want to slow enemies, maybe use Wall of Stone to force them to group up and run away from them. Don't wait too long or they might get immune to the disease. High spell save DC is also important, CON saves are the easiest to beat for NPCs.


  • No longer has a cooldown
  • Saving Throw isn't a fixed 18 anymore but minimum 18 or your spell save DC

Affected NPCs/Items
NPCs and items can be affected by the spell changes, since their spells inherit from the changed spells or they straight up use the same spells as the player. I try to adress these but there is way too many to reasonably do this ahead of time. Sometimes the changes are desirable, e.g. an item that gives you the exact same spell as you usually learn but with a short/long rest cooldown should usually mirror any changes. For NPCs it can make them harder to fight.

Common Questions
If you ask these questions in the comments I'll not be answering them. You have the ability to write, so you have the ability to read as well. And hopefully the ability to think one step further than just my explanations.

5e Spells: There should be no conflicts since it only adds spells and doesn't edit vanilla ones.

In general:
The main reason for compatibility issues is two mods editing the same thing. Depending on the exact thing this can be very broad or narrow. You don't have to be a modder or understand these terms, just know there is different kinds of ways the game stores information:

  • Root template: Has to be entirely overwritten to be changed, so two mods changing different things still aren't compatible
  • Stats entry: Can be inherited, merged, changed, if the same thing is changed it'll overwrite, otherwise changes merge (unless the entry is entirely overwritten which a lot of novice modders do)
  • Progressions/list entry: Like root templates, but compatibility framework allows merging changes for proper compatibility

Load Order
Should not matter - if you use mods that edit the same spells there might be conflicts.

In general:
  • The mod loaded later/further down the list overwrites
  • Example: Mod A (loaded first) changes the field 'AmountOfTargets' on Firebolt to 2 and Mod B (loaded later) has it set to 1 then Firebolt will only hit 1 target
  • If the mods change different fields and use self-inheritance (recommended) then the changes merge - which can be desired or not
  • Example: Mod A (loaded first) changes the field 'AmountOfTargets' on Firebolt to 2 and Mod B (loaded later) changes Firebolt to deal 1d12 damage - if the mods use self-inheritance, you now get a Firebolt that hits 2 targes for 1d12

I appreciate constructive feedback. If you think something is too strong or weak or could be done better you are welcome to comment. Note that I may have a reason (design-wise or functionality wise) why something is the way it is. Also please be aware that maybe your +300% health playthrough with 17 custom classes/races and 15 turn combats of running away and letting enemies rot from damage over time is maybe not the average player experience.

Please try to provide feedback as 'user story'. Tell me what happened, the circumstances, what fight, what difficulty etc. - otherwise its fairly hard for me to judge whether something I designed is problematic in general or just in specific scenarios. That information is very important for me to understand the nature of the issue.

As example: "Your rebalanced blight is way too strong!" is not nearly as helpful as "Blight carried my fight against X entirely by itself, because I lured the enemy out of the room, they clumped up and every hit dealt 3-5 damage to 8+ enemies" - even though the second is still just a single sentence.

Work involved
Rebalance - Level 5 Spells took around 30h to make. Mainly due to contagion. This is despite me being fairly experienced and efficient. You can multiply this time by x5 to x10 for a novice.
Often I get questions like "Can you make a version without X?" - I can, but I will not. There is a few things about BG3 mods one might not think about right away. The work involved is high and modders usually make a mod for themselves with the courtesy to make it available to others and maybe spend extra hours to maximize compatibility and make it more broadly appealing.

An additional version means probably at least 1h or 2h of making that alternate version and uploading it, and then several hours maintaining that version, as now every change made to the original mod has the be copied over to that version. Every upload takes twice the effort (packing two files, updating version, updating description, updating changelog, ensuring you are overwriting the correct file etc.).

There is a lot of unfortunately quite popular mods on nexus that are the lowest effort stat overwrites that don't care about any of: Compatibility, fixing tooltips, adding new mechanics, designing well, making anything new or properly testing - they just slap existing passives on something that already exists. Updates aren't required or don't happen. Of course they can have 10 versions of that mod, because it took them almost longer to upload that version than make it and they aren't going to maintain it.

So before you ask "Can you make a seperate version" ask yourself - what are you asking exactly? A stranger to spend multiple hours of their time for free to make a version that barely appeals to a fraction of people over the original mod and even less people that didn't download the original but would download the other version (= minimal gain in quality and popularity).

More importantly, you are asking the person to take that time away from making a new mod, something that far more people would enjoy far more (probably even you).

Now lets talk money for a second. Depending on how passionate a modder is about your request they might make it for free (since they would have done it themselves anyway) or ask a reasonable price of say 40€ (=44$) an hour. Now look at the highlighted numbers again and do the math. An alternate version is most definitely not the former (something the modder is passionate about) or it would exist already. Are you willing to pay that? A fraction of it?

That is all to say, I still appreciate constructive feedback. Many good changes and additions have come from comments. All I want is for people to stop and think for a moment what they are asking.

Syrchalis' Druid Mod Collection

Check out my other mods.

And also my armors:
