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About this mod

AWKCR-Free version with tons of bug fixes and cleanup for Unique NPCs Creatures and Monsters

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Thirdstorm's Unique NPCs Creatures and Monsters mod is incredible. There's just one problem: too many chickens. Way to many chickens. And Rabbits, and squirrels. Also, nightstrikers are a bit weird. And there are a bunch of bugs. Oh, and it needs AWKCR. Once upon a time, Thirdstorm said that maybe he would add some customizability and fix the bugs, but he never got around to it. Fair enough, so I went ahead and fixed it.

As featured in Life in the Ruins
see the modlist in the Wabbajack Gallery for more information

This is a version of the mod which removes the requirement for AWKCR, and also does the following in a futile attempt to make this mod as lightweight as possible

- Removed the following mods that were merged in, if you want these in the world, grab the parent mod UNPCs merged in - it's cleaner.
- Nightstrikers/Nightstalkers, Squirrels, Rad Spiders
- Removed Bleaters (grab Mojave Bighorns, if you really need something like this)
- Dogs (mod added and vanilla) do not share templates with Dogmeat (NoSharedDogmeatTemplate patches are no longer required)
- Reverted all changes to scaling back to vanilla, mod added non-boss creatures no longer scale infinitely
- Removed unnessary edits to FEV Hounds to improve compatibility with SMR.
- Typo fixes
- Removed almost ALL world edits
- Sea Claws spawns have been split out into an optional mod
- Added chicken and rabbit spawns (and nests) have been split out into an optional mod
- Removed all added buildings and structures (Most of them were unfinished stuff merged in from the Radspider mod)
- Everything that was required from AWKCR has been merged into the main plugin (it wasn't much).

Radspiders have been removed, if you want them I recommended grabbing RadSpider's Redux (and if you don't want them you're welcome)

Deadlier Deathclaws
The original Unique NPCs Creatures and Monsters includes More Deathclaw Variety, which Deadlier Deathclaws is built on top of. This means that all the visual deathclaw varieties are ALREADY included in unique NPCs, the only thing the original deadlier patch did was adjust scaling. If all you want is more deathclaw skins, then this mod is ALL YOU NEED. If you want more difficult deathclaws, then I recommend my Dangerous Deathclaws mod, which is compatible no patch required, which bumps their resistance up, and gives them more speed, and restores the chameleon effect to chameleon deathclaws.

For UNPC Creatures and Monsters, install the main file, then install this. You don't need the hotfix.

Check out my other AWKCR Free Mods
Super Mutant Redux - Scaling fixed and AWKCR Free
Unique NPCs Lite - Names and Diversifies Generic NPCs
Faction Distribution Framework
Unique NPCs Creatures and Monsters

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