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Created by

FastBlackCat and cormell

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About this mod

This mod clears and flattens Spectacle Island, then installs a Beach House and Resort there. The Beach House is a Fallout 4 version of RayV12's Baja Island in Fallout New Vegas.

Permissions and credits


BRIEF DESCRIPTION      (Please read the details below and you MUST FOLLOW the instructions carefully.)


This mod installs a Beach Resort on Spectacle Island. The Beach Resort is a new version of our previous mod -- Beach House on Spectacle Island. This new mod, Beach Resort, includes the original Beach House and pool, and adds guest bungalows, a gym, a pool bar and some other fun stuff. This is not a patch, so be sure to REMOVE the original Beach House mod from your load list.

The Beach Resort has two files that must be loaded and activated. The first, BeachFlattenClearSpectacleV2.esp, clears Spectacle Island, removing the trees and much of the debris. It also flattens much of the terrain and makes it sandy. Beachy keen.

The second file adds the buildings, gardens, water, and furniture. You have a choice here -- two options. Load either BeachResortSpectacleV2.esp or use Transfer Settlements to import the BluePrint (#26). The content is the same in either option -- i.e. Beach House, bungalows, gym, furniture, etc. Choose the option you prefer, but only one.

- The esp version has problems with hiding the invisible markers for the "invisible" light sources, but loads immediately. Unfortunately, you will have to include (activate) all the required mods we used to build the resort like Renovated Furniture, V's Stylish Decor, and so on. These are treated as required masters for the BeachResortSpectacle esp.

- The blueprint import is identical in content, but is slow to load. One advantage is that you don't have to load all of the mods we used to build the resort. The blueprint will still import, but will be missing objects from any of the mods that you include. You will find the blueprint in blueprint folder 26 and it's called bp_carter_spectacle...json. Be sure to CHECK IMPORT ORIGINAL ITEMS [not built by player] when you import the json. This ensures that all the extra stuff that has been added along the way gets imported by Transfer Settlements.

This mod does not provide a complete settlement. I didn't add the beacon tower, a water source, or a food source. You can do that (or not), or use Sim Settlements. I imagine that this mod is compatible with SS. (I don't use SS, so I don't know for certain.)

Installation -- This is not your normal player house blueprint. Read and Follow the Instructions Carefully. INSTALL MANUALLY. (Vortex or other mod mgr's will probably put the blueprint in the proper palce, but I don't know about the rest.)

DO NOT ENABLE (activate) this mod if you have already visited Spectacle Island. That will really mess up your day.



Many thanks to the mod authors we used to create the house itself, and the furnishing, and gardens.  Likewise to FastBlackCat for her input, editing, and testing. Also to rth119 for testing and screen shots. See his posts -- here, and here.




+ Intro

Most settlements require the completion of a quest, usually given by a settler, to take out some raiders or ghouls before the Workshop (WS) is owned and usable by the player. Spectacle Island is different; the player has to re-connect a power source to the WS. Also there are some 'lurkies to deal with.

When I flattened the Island the power lines and the Workshop end up floating in the air. I tried to replace them in the new terrain and keep the quest triggers and activation points intact, but that was beyond my patience and ability. So... some adaptation was required. I removed the quest trigger, the power lines, and the circuit breaker. (For mysterious reason the circuit breaker box lid is still there next to the WS.) I also removed the mirelurks and their trigger points. Now the WS has to be activated by other means -- read on.

+ Installation.

    - DO NOT ACTIVATE (enable) this mod if you have already visited Spectacle Island. Visiting Spectacle will trigger the quest and the mirelurks and totally mess up the reconstruction of the Island.

     - Important Note: Only activate (enable) the mod at the start of a new game, or at a minimum, before your first visit to Spectacle Island.

     - Install the required building, decoration, furniture, and garden mods.

     - Download the Beach Resort zip file of your choice, and only use one -- Blueprint (json) version or esp version. Extract the contents to a work file or temp file.

    - Copy the batch file SetWorkshop.txt to your top level Fallout4 directory where the exe is located.

    - Copy the file BeachFlattenClearSpectacleV2.esp to your Fallout 4 Data folder and activate it in your mod manager.

    - Install the Beach Resort contents (choose only one):
            + esp Version: Copy the file BeachResortSpectacleV2.esp to your Data folder
            + json Version: Copy folder 26 to your Data\F4SE\Plugins\TransferSettlements\blueprint folder. If you already have a folder 26, change 26 to some other unused number. In game import the blueprint with Transfer Settlements.

             ******** IMPORTANT: Be sure to Check Import Markers and Import Original Items *******

Mod Manager 

(I'm not sure that the mod managers will place the batch file in the proper location, so I recommend manual installation.)

     - Important Note: Only activate (enable) the esp's (or the blueprint) at the start of a new game, or at a minimum, before your first visit to Spectacle Island.

     - Install the required building, decoration, furniture, and garden mods.

    - Choose which version you want to use: either Blueprint plugin (json) or Bethesda plugin (esp), then press Mod Manager Download. For the blueprint make sure you don't have a blueprint folder 26 already.

   - Activate the BeachFlattenClearSpectacleV2.esp in your mod manager plugin list.

   -  Activate the Beach Resort contents:
            + esp Version: Activate the esp -- BeachResortSpectacleV2-1 in rour mod manager plugin list.
            + json Version: The TS blueprints are in Data\F4SE\Plugins\TransferSettlements\blueprint. If you already have a folder 26, change 26 to some other unused number. In game import the blueprint with Transfer Settlements.

             ******** IMPORTANT: Be sure to Check Import Markers and Import Original Items *******

+ Workshop and Electrical

    - The Workshop (WS) should be located in a white brick/red roof utility building south of the band shell. I put it there in the CK, but it keeps flying up in the air. Whatever.

    - If it's not in the work bench/utility building, you'll find it floating in the air near the band shell. That's the orignal (un-modded) position. Enter console mode, click on the WS,  and use the batch file SetWorkShop ( ~ bat SetWorkShop). Or manually move it using setpos/setangle to x=76102, y=-65440, z=771 and angle x=0, y=0, and z=90.

   - Enter the white brick utility building and check to see that the WS is there. DO NOT TRY TO ACTIVATE the WS yet.

    - The WS variables concerning the player visited and player owned usually won't activate until the player leaves the cell and returns. I dunno why, just do it. It's Bethesda. However, if BOTH the Select (E)and Transfer (R) options are available right away, you probably won't have to leave the cell, just open the WS. The mysteries of life. “There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” -- Hamlet, Act II

   - You can fast travel somewhere or swim out to one of the floating islands. When you return the WS should be good to go.

   - When you activate the WS, F4SE will turn on the yellow wall lamps in the utility building. All of the other lights on the island will come on also. Hopefully.

    - That's it. You're all set. Enjoy the Island and Beach Resort.

+ Trouble Shooting

   - Follow the instructions fully and carefully.

  - Crash after importing the blueprint? I have no idea why that happens. FBC found a workaround: After the import completes, do not save, leave the Island, wander around for a few minutes, then return. You should be able to save the game at that point. If not there is some clash occurring causing the CTD. It's beyond my ability to debug, maybe you can figure it out. It may have something to do with setting/resetting the variables, or triggers, or whatever on the Island and it just takes some time. If you still can't get the blueprint to work, you have the option of using the plugin version. (esp)

  - WS up in the air? Set the correct position given above. Or apply the batch file SetWorkShop.

  - WS won't open?  Leave the cell and return.

   - If the WS station still won't open, do these checks:
      -- Open the console, click on the WS and type showvars. A long list of WS variables will print on the screen. Use "page up" to find Flags. PlayerHasVisited should be True, also OwnedByPlayer should be true.
     -- If not type in console mode:
    setpv OwnedByPlayer True
    setpv PlayerHasVisited True

        Then close the console. Leave the building and the cell. Return and the console should open.

    - Table lamps and floor lamps didn't turn on? Enter WS mode, select the lamp with Enter, then release it with Tab. That toggles the power connection. Lamp should light.
    (There may be some incompatibility with Workshop Framework. We've noticed difficulties between it and F4SE for turning on the lights automatically.)

    -  Missing furniture, lights, decorations from the blueprint import? Load the missing mods or use your own and place the missing objects like chairs or plants manually in WS mode.

    - Hilly terrain and trees? (other than palm trees) The BeachFlattenClearSpectacleV2.esp wasn't activated.

    - Floating mirelurk "mud holes"? It has to do with the way the mirelurk trigger points are activated. These are removed by the Clear Spectacle esp, but remember do not activate the BeachFlattenClear plugin after you have visited Spectacle Island. Start a new game or load a save before you visited Spectacle Island and then you can activate BeachClearFlatten.

    - Sand or rock textures messed up? You have a mod installed that is overwriting this mod. Load Homemaker and Northland Diggers last. Those mods do the rocks and cliffs. Ditto for the beach mod called Towel_Beds.esp. It does the CoastalDrySand. There is also an optional whiter sand esp in that mod, and I used that in my screen shots.
