About this mod

Sanctuary Hills with Covenant style walls. Gate doors are push button to open, and automatically close after 10 seconds.
Only the player can activate the button, NPC's and Dog cannot.
The mod is organized into "Stages" to fulfill different wants and needs.
Each "Stage" has consistent additions broken down into different formats.

Permissions and credits
*Update* v1.1 - I have repackaged the files to work better, and mod type now shows as Transfer Settlement blueprints.
Make sure to read "Wiring!" near bottom, just above "Requirements!".

March 10th 2022 I made Covenant Walls For Sanctuary. This is its successor.
It used Snappable Covenant Walls for the wall segments, which are now obsolete.

What this mod does;
Sanctuary has a Covenant style wall built around it. The wall goes under Sanctuary bridge ( instead of attaching to it) for maximum compatibility. Blue house at NE corner is only home possibly integrated. There are occasional empty Turret Stands along wall and at corners. There are 5 powered doors that each have buttons on both sides of wall, and open when their button is pushed. Doors automatically close after 10 seconds. Each gate has 2 empty Turret Stands. Only the player can activate the button, NPC's and Dog cannot.
        Each Powered door has 2 "Delayed Off Switch" built in, one per side. There is a Power Conduit connected to the Delayed Off switches hidden under a Concrete Wall Endcap. That "hidden power conduit" is linked to an external Power Conduit on the edge of the inside wall. This exposed Power Conduit is linked to power grid. You should not ever need to interact with the "hidden power conduit", but if you do for some reason, just move Endcap to interact with one. Each conduit linked to power grid has an Industrial wall light (caged yellow one) near it so you can easily find them if needed. Wiring is "under ground" so it should be out of the way. See "Wiring!" near bottom for details (just above "Requirements!").

        I feel that many mods add too much or do too much. It is easy to end up with multiple mods that overlap what they do. The wall segments came from a mod called Homemaker - Expanded Settlements. It is a great mod but adds over 1000 new craftable objects. I did not want to use most those items so the "Snappable Covenant Walls" is perfect for me.
I was never happy with how long it took to build a wall around Sanctuary each new game. Some mods have walls but I never really liked any of them. In many cases they just didn't link together well or fit well, some looked sloppy or like they were rushed. Sometimes a mod just does way too much more than I want. Settlement Blueprints have the same issues. The doors are another matter. NPCs open doors and leave them open. This can allow enemies (and zombies) to easily get in. It is why I use push button doors that auto close. There *are* mods that add this kind of functionality in an easy format, be it auto closing doors, or privacy markers, and others. The DLC's have tools to do this already, but you have to learn how to do it ... so I did. I also want to avoid build object bloat so I do not have to search for a long time to find the parts I want. Transfer Settlements is very handy, it allows you to build once and reuse that build over and over.  It took me around 10 hours to complete Stage 1.

I have completely rebuilt my walled Sanctuary mod with these new Covenant walls with a different approach, I am using "Stages". Just choose whichever one Stage best suits your needs for a specific playthrough.

Stages Overview
Stage 1 is a very bare bones, nothing but the walls with its push button doors, with enough power to use them, and some empty turret stands. Turret stands come with the Covenant Walls mod. I leave the bridge open for 2 reasons.
1) It gives you a natural choke point for enemies to attack from.
2) The wall passes under the Sanctuary bridge so it should work with 99% of the bridge mods out there if you choose to use a mod for your bridge.
Perfect for early game and low power playthroughs.
This has the maximum mod compatibility and is mod requirement light. 

Stage 2  builds upon Stage 1.  This includes: Water source, some power for water source, small farm for food, and a few turrets on turret stands. It will Fulfill the Minutemen quest "Sanctuary", except for the beds. The beds and wherever they are placed are left up to you. This way you can use the houses if you wish, build your own bunkhouses, or whatever style you desire. This is still pretty low on power scale and good for early game. Same compatibility and mod requirements as Stage 1.

Stage 3 builds upon Stage 2.  It adds; Vault-Tec Population Management System, Decontamination Arch, more water, more power, more food, more defenses. It also has spotlight turrets with reset switches. Lastly it adds Brahmin Feed Trough, Firework Launcher, Scavenging Station, and Recruitment Radio Beacon. 

Stage 4  These will be far more intricate builds with more features and utilize other mods. Will likely do faction based specialized things. For example; Automatron theme with a Robot Workbench , an Institute theme adding Workshop Synth Production.

First Stage 4 done!
Stage 4 rebuild built much like Stage 3. It adds; Another Sanctuary Bridge, Turrets from Machineguns Rebirth, a Greenhouse with Snap'n Build parts, Solar Street Lamps, and Working Beehives. 

I may also do reasonable custom builds upon request. 

Stage details
Stage 1. (standard)
This is a wall around Sanctuary that passes under the bridge. The walls terminate at the NE Blue House. The Root Cellar is behind this house and the build area touches the edge making it impossible to build around (without mods that change build area). So if you tend to keep this house, this is the best of these options for you. It has 5 "Gates" with push button doors. Button on both sides. Only player can interact with button so no dog and no NPCs can open the door. Each gate has 2 turret stands. There are 9 other turret stands along wall at some corners and at some points. The bridge is open so caravans and any other NPC can enter Sanctuary via the bridge. Makes an easy choke point. Finally, the doors require 1 power each. They only use power to open, but because there are 5 gates I have included a 5 energy generator to make sure game is happy. All exposed main power conduits have a zero energy shop light so they are easy to find. You can tie your energy grid to any of these points or replace generator with a larger one and easily tie in.

Stage 1 cleared.
As Stage 1 above with the exception of the NE Blue House is removed and added 2 Turret Stands where house was.
Some people prefer to destroy the houses. In this one, I have destroyed the NE Blue House and connected the wall in its place. This blueprint will not destroy the house for you. You will either import this after you have cleared the house or simply destroy the house after the import is stable. Brush and trees and houses and such will not prevent the importing of the walls. 

Smooth Stage 1.
Here is your exception. okie1682 has created Clean and Smooth Settlements it cleans and smooths out Sanctuary (and most other settlements). I have reworked the walls to account for the altered terrain. Otherwise it is the same as Stage 1 cleared.    

Stage 2.
Builds upon Stage 1. Adds 3 Garden Plots to road in front of player home. Those plots can be moved to wherever player wishes to relocate them. 2 Carrot, 4 Corn, 1 Gourd, 2 Melon, 4 Mutfruit, 4 Tato - for a total of 10.5 food. 1 Water Purifier and 1 Water Pump - for a total of 13 water. 1 Small Generator next to Water Purifier which is tied into the grid - for a total of 8 power. 10 Heavy Machinegun Turrets. 1 at each Gate(5), 1 Next to bridge, 4 others placed at corners - for a total of 80 defense. I had moved 3 dog houses so they accidentally became part of the blueprint. No beds placed, left that for you to decide where and how you want your people housed.

Stage 2 cleared
Has all features of Stage 2, with the exception of no dog houses. It does assume you have cleared houses so a concrete floor is under Workshop. Screenshots of locations for placed items of Stage 2 will be accurate for Stage 2 cleared. 

Smooth Stage 2
Has all features of Stage 2, except exact placement of Water Purifier and Small Generator are slightly different. There are additional stair locations and 1 additional Power Conduit. See screenshots. No dog houses.

Stage 3
Builds upon Stage 2. Adds 3 more Garden Plots (6 total) to road in front of player home. 2 Carrot, 8 Corn, 1 Gourd, 4 Melon, 8 Mutfruit, 1 Razorgrain, 8 Tato - for a total of 20 food. 2 Water Purifiers and 1 Water Pump - for a total of 23 water. 1 Large Generator and 1 Medium Generator - for a total of 15 power. 25 Heavy Machinegun Turrets and 2 Spotlight Turrets with reset switches - for a total of 204 defense. Other items added; Brahmin Feed Trough, Decontamination Arch, Firework Launcher, Vault-Tec Population Management System, Scavenging Station, and Tool Chest (for Firework Shells). Power Conduits added to a few buildings, and connected to power grid. Recruitment Radio Beacon added but not connected to power grid.

Stage 3 cleared
This builds upon Stage 2 cleared, and has many things placed in similar places as Stage 3, with the exception of no buildings used. 

Smooth Stage 3
As Stage 3 with one buildings Power Conduits on a different building. Exact turret placement different. 2 Specific stairwells to river (see screenshot), but otherwise largely the same.

Stage 4 rebuild built much like Stage 3. It is based upon Rebuild Sanctuary but I do not think that translated into a requirement as it only modifies existing Sanctuary buildings. Adds Another Sanctuary Bridge, adds turrets from Machineguns Rebirth v1.1c ESP version , added Greenhouse with Snap'n Build 2.0, adds Solar Street Lamps, and added Working Beehives.
VCM_LibrarySupportPlugin_F-ESL for Vilances's Library Plugin. It unlocks furniture. Thanks to Corni666 for catching that.
That *should* be it for additional requirements.
All crops are in greenhouse. Each gate has a doghouse. Has nuclear generator for power. Has 308 defense. Has 19 beds. 
Most mods have their own requirements I am not going to list all those here, those mods pages will have their requirements.

Transfer Settlements saves blueprints in folders as numbers. I think of them as slots. So "slot 1" is folder "1".
> Fallout 4 > Data > F4SE > Plugins > TransferSettlements > blueprints > 1 (for "slot 1")
> Fallout 4 > Data > F4SE > Plugins > TransferSettlements > blueprints > 11 (for "slot 11") etc...
I plan to make several versions of each Stage. (standard) Stage 1 will have download files of 1 and 11. If this is not your first Transfer Settlement file, 1 is likely already used leaving 11 more likely available. A "Stage 1 cleared" will be slot 16.
The actual names of those blueprints are based on the character name. To keep things more clear and simple I have created separate characters so the save files will have matching names with the Stage. For example;
"slot 1" save is named (by Transfer Settlements)   bp_stage 1_sanctuary_230520024801
"slot 2" is named   bp_stage 2_sanctuary_230521184010 

I have done some clearing of hedges and such for screenshots only. The blueprints are not of cleared settlements. There are several schools of thought on the best way to clean/clear settlements so this has been left to you to do whichever way you wish. The exception is Smooth Stage 1. It is built upon another mod called Clean and Smooth Settlements by okie1682.
Also, I do not know if there is a way to make cleaning/clearing a part of a blueprint.

To hide my wires I use "wire glitch" which I learned in No Mod Shop Class ...
It ends up, sometimes, Transfer Settlements doesn't understand this and offers to "FIX" the wiring,
which only breaks everything. Do not let Transfer Settlements "FIX" your wiring,
as there is nothing actually wrong. If this happens to you, I suggest telling Transfer Settlement wiring to
never warn me about this again. (however its worded)

DLC Workshop 01 Wasteland Workshop 
(Stage 2) DLC Workshop 02 Contraptions Workshop
(Stage 3) DLC Workshop 03 Vault-Tec Workshop 
I assume most people these days have those DLC
Many mods (and this) require Fallout 4 Script Extender (F4SE) you likely already have this.
Transfer Settlements by CDante is required (should be obvious)
and it requires HUDFramework by registrator2000
Snappable Covenant Walls - SMM - Standalone (Light ESP Version)  by Babaloo321 is required (ESL)
and it requires Settlement Menu Manager (SMM) by cadpnq 

All "Smooth Stage" blueprints require: Clean and Smooth Settlements by okie1682 .

I hope you enjoy not having to spend hours to build walls yourself.
I hope you enjoy the push button doors, I love them!

Suggested Mods
Auto-Dead All-in-one Minutemen Startup
Photo Mode
Place Everywhere
Raze My Settlement
Rebuild Sanctuary
Sanctuary - No Dead Dog and Raider
Sanctuary - Reworked Roads
This Settlement Does Not Need Your Help - BS Defence Redone
I used to use Scrap Everything but there is a lot of talk about potential long term damage to game stability. I am not knowledgeable enough to have a valid opinion on the matter. Recently I have decided to stop using it while I do more research.

If there are other locations you would like to see get a similar treatment let me know.

--- 4/5/24 update ---
I got back into FO4 a few days ago, and this blueprint is still working properly.
I have noticed many *other* mods not still working smoothly, Sanctuary modification mods have mostly failed.
Rebuild Sanctuary  seems to be the only one I can find that works right for me.

--- 5/20/24 update ---
F4SE is working, but the NEXTGEN update broke Transfer Settlements as well, and they are working to fix it